DISCLAIMER: The following story is a fictional group of random thought particles from the recesses of my mind. The setting of the series is based of the works of Lurking Dragon's Rejuve Universe in accordance with his writer's guide. This random stream of semi-conscience thought depicts a school disciplinary spanking of a rejuvenated children. If this offends your carefully cultured sensibilities, or you have yet to reached the rank of major in what you think is society, then please recycle these electrons to save bandwidth sooner than possible.
Editorial help provided by Timmythewiz
—Rogue (whose existence has yet to be disproved)
Class Act
Monday, 20th of August 2773,
Part 4 of Pint-Sized Engineer
Rodger got dressed in his navy blue sailor suit, with its red trim, and its white twin pendent sailor collar, also red trimmed. His mother had chosen a cut that was right in the middle of what is acceptable length for the sleeves and shorts in the school's uniform code. It was a good fit, not too loose, not too tight. A bit of a change from his memories of new uniforms as a Kindern. Then uniforms were bought baggy at the beginning of the year, and normally by the end they barely fit anymore. Much to the discomfort of any student who'd been naughty towards the end of school year. But as it was late in this school year, obviously that was less of a concern. 'Cause even if they were bought baggy right now, at his age, after the end of year break it would still need to be replaced.
He caught himself nervously readjusting his uniform far more than it needed. He had forgotten how magnified nervousness of the simplest of things can be vastly more intense for his renewed child-mind than they were for his adult-mind. Like such a thing as meeting his fellow rejuves that will be his classmates for at least the next four years and a bit. For Maiuchi Rejuve Elementary is for ages 6 to 12, to accommodate the Penitatas system. Plus it is very likely they will also be in his class when they all moved to Maiuchi Rejuve High the year after that. For unlike the kindern school system, there is no junior high in the rejuve system. Sure his Medicalos status will automatically assure him a spot near the top of his new social group's pecking order. But it will not, necessarily, assure him of any friends. But at least it is not like when the school systems started back in the 20th Century. Where teachers taught their topic lessons but left their kindern pupils to their own undeveloped resources in social areas; with tragic results. When compu-desks developed enough they were able to effectively take over the imparting of that information. Teachers were freed to concentrate on teaching their pupils how to learn that information. And coupled with the social shift back to treating children as children, this deeply effected the school system, as teachers acknowledged they needed to guide the social interaction of those children in their care. Bullying is now far less common, and never prolonged; like what caused those past tragedies.
Anyway, he thought to himself, he needed to get down to breakfast. Schoolday mornings while not necessarily rushed, did not give him time to mess about. When he got downstairs Melanie, his wife turned mother, had a nutritious, but simple breakfast waiting for him.
“My goodness, what a sight,” his mother greeted him. “ I have always been fond of young men in uniform. You remind me of a certain young Ensign on spring break from the Academy, who made a similar entrance at a party at my sorority.”
“Yeah, but now I don't want you to take my pants off,” Rodger said with a blush.
“Well good behaviour is the key to that wish now as it was then. But you should sit and eat your breakfast we don't have much time if we are going to walk to school this morning.”
After finishing getting ready for the day, they did indeed begin their walk to Rodger's new school. Well Melanie walked, Rodger rode his hover-board unpowered, obstentively because his mother could not keep up in powered mode, more realistically Rodger had not master the board well enough for that; yet. The protection detail was keeping a discrete distance. Allowing the family to have their moment unintruded.
It was not a short trip at walking speeds, but once Rodger learnt to ride his hoverboard better he will be able to make the trip in a reasonable time. That is if he did not want to ride the bus. But today speed did not matter so much. As today he did not need to be there before first bell. His new teacher wanted Rodger to arrive after the class had settled into the morning lesson so he could be introduced.
As they got into the neighbourhood around the school, Rodger noticed something odd about the homes in the area.
“Mom, I know most homes in Maiuchi are made from only 3 designs as they were the first parts of colony to be built; because they need to go up quickly. But even so, given the artistic nature of most of our colonists, everyone customized their homes with personal artistic touches. But these ones, they're occupied, but they lack such touches.”
“Good eye, Honey. They are owned by the Ministry of Corrections, to be leased later to families willing to take on Pennies so that Hard Timer families can be kept together for mutual support. But as there are no current Pennies anywhere on Shinho, they are for now being lent to the Ministry of Immigration, to work as temporary housing. To be used for new immigrants until they can organize their own homes. That is why there are none of them are customized the manner you saw on the way here. Because for them it is just where they are staying, not their homes.
“Though with the proximity to your school, these homes are prime real estate, and there is pressure to sell them, and not reserve them for pennies. But if we did that these same groups would eventually complain that their neighborhood is used as thoroughfare for pennies going to school, and other activities. It is why these were reserve in the first place, by concentrating the hard timers, those that don't want to be around their activities they can do so.”
Rodger was pleased at her praise, and her willingness to still share her thoughts on political issues with him, despite no longer being her equal. This buoyed him as they entered the school grounds and were meet by Principle Robert Clarke. He greeted the both of them in a friendly manner, though he did seem somewhat conflicted on protocol. It seemed obvious he was use to given equal attention between his students and their parents. Normally a good sign in a teacher, but Melanie's position was giving him doubt on if that is appropriate in this situation. After all this was a public school, and as such he was ultimately answerable to her. Though Melanie quickly told him that in this she should not be treated any different from any of the other parents, as what as important here was Rodger.
After brief tour of the grounds, Rodger was lead to the 3rd Grade class. Before Principal Clarke and his mother went off to take care of administrative needs; his Mother reminded Rodger that he was to be meet in front of the school by Gunny Sith, and not to leave the school grounds without him. With that he was sent inside.
“Ah Master Murphie, welcome,” the class teacher said as he waking to the front of the class to meet him. “I'm your teacher, Mister Todd Johnson. Come and stand here with me. Class pause your consoles and look up here please. Rodger would you please introduce yourself to your new classmates.”
Rodger scanned over the class, then with a unconscious straightening tug at his shirt, he said using the formula he had been taught, “I'm Rodger Murphie. I'm a Medicalos. I rejuved last Friday; My new mother was my wife so my name has not changed. I was the Chief of Engineering on Renewal Station. Oh, Mr. Johnson, my Mother is a traditionalist.”
A jalaxian medicalos girl asked, “What's does that mean?”
To which a humans voluntaras boy replied, “It means he gets spanked like a red headed penny.”
“Brian, colorfully close, but not quite accurate,” Mr. Johnson said. “El, What it means is that Master Murphie is informing me that he comes from a family that expects me to treat him like, at worse, a Completas, but more likely as Voluntaras held to strict standards; despite his Medicalos status. But to be clear it does not mean you don't treat him as a Medicalos.
“Now class, why don't you each stand and introduce yourselves to Rodger. Jackie please start.”
A human girl stood and said, “I'm Jackie Asimov. I'm also a Medicalos. I rejuved last March. My Daddy was my Husband before. I was a cartographer. My accident would have left me older if it hadn't been necessary to use an emergency rejuvenation chambers.” before she sat back down.
Next the girl who had asked the question stood, “I'm El Broosha. I'm a Medicalos as well. I was in the mining accident last spring, so I too was rejuved in a E.R.C. But I had no family on the Colony. I was El Alshain, but I'm now a Broosha as they are my new parents.”
After her, and another jalaxian girl stood, “I'm Franchette Broosha. I too am a Medicalos, I was in the same accident as El, in the same poison gas pocket. I was of Bettleheim family, By the new traditions I'm now family Broosha, and El is now my sister.”
As she sat down the boy who compared Rodger to a penny stood for his turn, “I'm Brian Herbert. I on the other hand am a Voluntaras. I was Brian Anderson. I rejuved back to 5 years old, and entered a parenting contract with a couple without child to increase our odds in be accepted as an early colonist. I was a journalist so my skills are not high in demand at the moment on the colony.”
A current rarity stood next, a jalaxian girl with the silver V on the back of her hands. “I'm Eartha Kitt. I'm a Voluntaras. My brother and his mate, are now my parents, so a Kitt I was and still am. I choose to become a child so I could grow up in the new culture, I was in your tongue a Dancer; of some note. I hope the experience will make be even better at D'jetar.”
After her came a human girl, “I'm Stephanie Lawhead, I am also a Voluntaras, and have been so since I rejuved back to 3 years old. I chose to become that young because I am a Historian by training, this opportunity to witness history in the making was too good to pass up, and how better to simply observe, then to be a child.”
Next came a human boy, “I'm Andy Rand. I'm a Voluntaras. I was and will be again Andy London of London Astroportation. Having set things in motion here, I thought as I need to rejuve soon anyway, I might as well let things mature as I mature again.”
Another human boy, this time a Medicalos, “I'm Melcome Rawn. Like yourself, I'm a Medicalos. I was in the same accident as the Broosha sisters, but I was not trapped in the gas pocket with them, but rather I was caught in the resulting collapse, my arm was basically pulverized. It was either rejuve this young despite not needing the E.R.C. Or loose my arm.”
He was follow by the last boy of the group, I'm Ted Williams. I'm a Voluntaras. I'm a painter by calling, and I have chosen to see this new world though new eyes.”
Finally the last of Rodger's new classmates stood and introduced herself. “I'm Elizabeth Nye. I too am an early start Voluntaras. I was a Pilot, but I was getting to old to maintain the necessary skill levels. But I did not fancy a retirement of progressively more inability, So I decided that I would take my down time, as a small child instead; where I would instead get progressively more able.”
Rodger noted he would make the class' fourth medicalos member; a shockingly high number. Admittedly this was the only rejuve school on Shinho, as such the catchment for all of the medicalos. But his class only represents the oddest of the emergency cases. Those that made it to hospital and did not requiring multiple rejuves will all be in higher grades. Sure, life on a new colony like Shinho was risky. But even so, Mom will not be pleased at the level this is indicating.
Mr. Johnson then took control again, “OK class back to work while I get Rodger up to speed before morning recess.
“Now Rodger come with me, there is a compu-desk in the back next to Eartha that can be yours.”
Once Rodger was seated, Mr. Johnson initialized the console's biometrics so that Rodger could gain control over his account.
“Now Rodger, I understand this is your first rejuve. You will find rejuve school is a bit different from Kindern school. I'll explain how the schoolday will go. After role call, everyone will log into their consoles and work on their individualize courses. If you need any help finding things that you need, don't hesitate to raise your hand and I will come help you.
“Though, just so that you know, because your R.P.T. placed your performance in Jalaxain, below that of a Kindern of your age, and that it is a compulsory subject on Shinho, your Math and Physics modules will not be available until you show some improvement, and still be limited until you bring your proficiency up to the equivlent Kindern level.
“Individual study will continue until morning recess. As there are no pennies in the class, anyone who not kept in will be joining you.
“After morning recess, will be group study. I will break the class up into small groups to work on different topics. Partners are assigned based strengths and weakness in your individual studies. You will alternate days on wither you're the one giving or getting help on a module; unless you are assigned a project.
“This will continue until lunchtime, where upon, I will escort the class to the lunchroom. Unlike Kindern school you will not be needing to be lead in a line, unless you show you're not responsible enough for that. After you eat you will be dismissed to play, unless you have detention. If so you will return to the classroom with me.
“When lunchtime bell has rung and you return, we have more physical classes, be it P.E., or Arts and Craft. Exactly what we cover also changes from day to day.
“There will be a short afternoon break, which will mark the end of that, and signal a change to more quite activities; such as story-time and Show and Tell. Now do you have any questions?”
Rodger had paid close attention to the instructions. And had a bit of trouble maintaining eye contact when his lackluster ability in Jalaxian was mentioned, while not too uncommon in the original adult colonists, he simply hadn't had the time before to bring up his proficiency in it. Panglish was the official language of Starfleet so it wasn't a hindrance in his job, but it was still considered rude to force all the conversation into Panglish in off duty conversation. So when given an opportunity for a question he asked, “Yes, I do have one question, Sir. How does the school handle the bilingual stuff?”
“Well Rodger, like all governmental documents, all official school notices are available in both languages; this includes all the modules. You are expected to address your teachers and staff in their native languages. So most of this class will be conducted in Panglish. Though you can always ask for clarification in your preferred language. In conversations between students, manners in the key factor. Use the language appropriate for those your talking with. Anything else?”
“No Sir.”
“Then I suggest you start with your Jalaxian language module, so that you can get started on it before recess.”
Once Rodger began to work on the suggested lesson, Mr. Johnson left his side to wander the class.
It was not much longer before the bell sounded for recess. Mr. Johnson reminded everyone to save their work before he dismissed the class, and following them out as it was his turn for playground duty.
Rodger wandered the playground absentmindedly as he observed his fellow students as they played. One thing he noticed there seemed to be a trend in the uniforms. The Jalaxian students tend to have the uniforms cut to the skimpiest the uniform code allowed, were as the human ones tended to be the longest the code allowed. The Jalaxian reason was pretty obvious, with their fur it was cooler and they did not risk sunburn. While he contemplated on whither the humans did so was to prevent sunburn or trying to emulate more grown up clothes, Andy suddenly stopped in his path.
“So your mommy now has the gall to claim to hold to traditionalist values? After her track-record?” Andy scoffed.
Rodger stiffened, taken back at the unexpected confrontation, “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I mean. I listen in on what my parents say. Your precious mommy has been selling out those very same traditions every chance she can get, in favor of Jalaxians. And now that she has a son she thinks people will believe she is a Traditionalist? Don't make me laugh.”
Rodger involuntarily clenched his fists as he retorted, “My mother has betrayed nothing! To much was conceded to us when the Jalaxians pounced on the idea of a join colony. She has been working on fixing the balance before real problems develop, so that we can keep our traditions without danger of backlash down the road. So what do your parents know about it anyway! My bottom tells me the truth of my mother's traditionalist practices.”
“Of course my parents know! They are the regional managers of my deep space transport company.”
Brian showed up at that moment and said to Andy, “Which makes you a booger-brain for picking a fight with the person who until recently been keeping your ships repaired, and is now the son of a very popular head of the colony that your long terms plans call for being a base of operations.”
Andy turned on Brian, “You can keep your big nose out of this!” His fist then tried to correct the problem with the size of Brian's nose. It never got the chance to do so. Rodger grabbed Andy's wrist and wrenched it behind Andy's back. Andy's screech of pain drew Mr. Johnson right over.
“Rodger let him go right now... Andy, it's over, please settle down. Rodger, Brian go to our classroom and wait for me. Andy please let go of you arm so I can have a look at your arm. El! Franchette! Come over here. Please help Andy to the Nurse's Office, careful of his arm there,” Mr. Johnson said taking control of the situation.
Rodger and Brian waited in nervous quite at their compu-desks; not wanting to be caught talking when their teacher arrived. They did not have to wait long for Mr. Johnson to get to them. Leaning back against his desk to look at the boys for a moment before addressing them.
“Andy's shoulder was dislocated, he is currently resting in sick-bay as the anti-inflammatories work. He should be fine and back in class well before lunch. I am not happy that any of my students got into a fight, let alone one that required the Nurse's attention. Rodger, as a Medicalos, you get to explain your side first.”
Rodger fought back his nerves to answer, “Um well Sir, Andy was... expressing his strong opinion over what I had told the class. When Brian came over and, well... explained how Andy was in error. Andy took exception to the explanation, and threw a punch at Brian. Not wanting a fight over this, I stopped the punch from landing and restrained Andy. That when you spotted the problem, Sir. Though Andy's arm should not have been hurt by the move I used, something must have gone wrong.”
“I see, Brian do you have anything to add?”
“Rodger is being overly generous in his description of Andy, Mr. Johnson. Andy was verbally attacking him and his mother. And it being his first day and all I though he could use some moral support. Andy's badgering him like that was totally uncalled for, and I when I pointed out even Andy's parents would not liked his actions, he tried to change the size of my noise. But Rodger's quick action saved me a trip to the Nurse's office.”
“And I suppose your typical mutual hostility with Andy in noway shaped the way you supported Rodger?” asked Mr. Johnson with an certainty of already knowing the answer.
Brian could only stare at the top of his compu-desk. As he knew were that was heading.
“While Andy will get his chance to explain his actions later. Even without it though I have a clear enough idea to address your actions. Brian go stand in the corner, Mr. Johnson instructed before pulling out his chair and taking a seat. Rodger you can come here.”
In complying Rodger was only a few steps behind in leaving their compu-desks, but as Brian's was much closer to the front of the class so he was in the corner, with his hands on his head, in the fount of the room before Rodger reached where Mr. Johnson was sitting.
“Now Rodger, I understand you were trying to stop the fight; which is a good thing. But I also know that when you took your training in Starfleet, where you learnt that move, you were taught with a lot of practice to do it right; else you could injure someone. And that as a Rejuve all that muscle memory developed by such practice has gone away. Which means to stop the fight, if you did not think words would work, you should have gone and got me or whoever else was on duty. While I do realize this is your first day back to school but, as you reminded me earlier, you're a rejuve in a traditionalist household. You should have known better than to do something so risky. Now I need to demonstrate why you need think harder about what you do.”
Mr. Johnson then got down to business, hooking his fingers in the sides of Rodger's elastic waistband pulling his shorts down to his knees. Then he lifted Rodger to introduce his new student to being over his lap.
It was one introduction that Rodger thought could have done without. For Mr. Johnson proceeded to warm up the seat of his undies with his hand. A hand much more practiced than his mother's.
But it one thing to cry like a little boy over his mother's lap, but this was school. He would simply have to take like a big boy, regardless how practiced Mr. Johnson was at this. Just as his resolve faltered, the rain of spanks stopped. His thoughts of accomplishment were shattered just as they were formed, by Mr. Johnson expertly bringing his undies down to join his school shorts.
Not wanting to drag this spanking out, Mr. Johnson promptly returned to spanking Rodger's warmed bottom. Not bothering to lecture as he spanked, because while the boy had made a serious mistake, his heart was in the right place when he made it. But physical fights can never be let off lightly.
Rodger's resolved failed as his new emotional intensity overwhelmed his stubbornness and he was crying like the boy he was, once again. But that was not the only clue his teacher was looking for so the spanking continued until he was sure the lesson was properly felt. But once he was sure it was, the teacher sat him up on the lap to let his newest pupil recover.
“There that's over and done with Rodger. I truly hope this is a lesson you will learn quickly, but I feel it is likely, given the lack of preparation, you are going be one of the ones that takes a while to adjust from being an adult to being a kid again. As a Medicalos you don't have to rush off my lap, but the longer you take the more likely I will not be finished with Brian before the rest of your classmates return from recess.”
Rodger gulped down his tears, if could return Brian's help by recovering elsewhere it was the least he could do. So his slipped of his teacher's lap and started to shuffle over to corner, when his teach stopped him and pulled up his pants while saying, “No Rodger, back to your compu-desk. Brian come hear please.”
While Rodger returned to his seat where he gingerly sat down, Brian nervously went over to his teacher.
“Now Brian, while I understand you did not try to hit back, and I am taking that into consideration, but I'm sure you would have had Rodger not stepped in. What did I say would happen next time you two got into a fight?”
“You said you would... paddle us... Sir,” Brian regretfully answered.
“Yes, yes I did,” Mr. Johnson stated as he reached out and lowering Brian's uniform shorts to his knees, before once again putting a naughty boy over his lap. Rodger noted that Mr. Johnson had started spanking Brian with his hand on the briefs, much like he had started on himself. Mr. Johnson soon had Brian squirming a little, though Brian did not seem to be holding back his reaction to their teacher's firm hand. Mr. Johnson paused to bring Brian's underwear down to join his school shorts. Brian's nether cheeks were already a deep pink, boarded by the pale skin that stood in contrast where his tropical tan stopped. Mr. Johnson reached towards the his desk. On the side of the desk hung the 4 different levels of school paddles that were rated for 3rd Grade rejuves. Though Rodger was surprised when it was none of those four that their teacher grab, but instead it turn out he was reaching for the wooden ruler that was sitting on top of the desk.
When Mr. Johnson resumed displaying his displeasure with Brian for fighting. It was hard to tell that Brian was thankful for the surprised deliverance from the promised paddle, for the ruler was definitely adding fuel to his burning backside. With the application of the ruler did not take long for Brian's glowing backside to deepen further to a sore red.
When Mr. Johnson thought his point had been truly felt, he sent Brian to waddle back into his corner with his hands on his head. So that his bottom could air cool while he settled down.
After three minutes have a heavy silence, highlighted by the sounds of computer use and sniffling boys, the bell rang, and short afterwards the class began to file in.
Once all the class, save for Andy, had returned, Mr. Johnson said “OK Brian, return to your desk” before he addressed the class, “For group work, As Andy will be late in returning to class, Eartha you can work with Rodger on your Math, but use Jalaxain as much as possible between you two as Rodger needs the practice. The rest of continue with your current groups.”
With that some of the class got up from the compu-desks to join their partners.
[“Over here Rodger,”] Eartha said as she beckoned him over to her, [“We work at the desk of the partner who's being helped. Which is for us is my course work.”]
[“Affirmative,”] Rodger said as he got up and went over to Eartha's desk.
[“That's a bit formal, you might want to say 'OK' instead.”]
[“Thank you.”]
After half an hour working together, Eartha said to Rodger, [“Your Jalaxian seems nowhere as bad as Mr, Johnson said it was earlier.”]
[“We been talking about Math. It the part I have had the most use of; because of work. Other talking is where I am bad at.”]
Eartha giggled at that and said, [“I see what you mean now.”]
Before Rodger could compose a defense in Jalaxian, Andy returned to the classroom, and walked up to Mr. Johnson and handed him his hall pass. Mr. Johnson check the time on the pass, before clearing it and putting it away. Andy turned to head for his compu-desk, but Mr. Johnson stopped him.
“Stay here for a moment. We need talk about the incident at recess.”
The class went quiet, those that had not see it, had head about it from those that did at recess. And having seen Brian's bottom on display when they returned from recess, they knew it was unlikely for any such talk to end well for Andy.
“So you chose to wait until I got back, so that I could witness the new kid getting his butt blistered for putting me in the nurse office? How kind, what do you need?” Andy said.
“No Rodger's part in the incident was already taken care of while waiting for you. Though his note home to his parent is also going need your side of the story. And right now that is what I need.”
Andy smiled as he realized while he might not be able to effect Rodger's school punishment he can put the claim of being from a traditionalist household to the test by coloring what his mother will be told. So he said, “I was getting to know the new kid when Brian came up and started slandering me, and convinced Rodger to hold me so Brian could beat me up. They had just started when you came and rescued me.” Andy was please with that thinking it should get Brian nicely in trouble too, all the while making him look the the poor victim.
Both Rodger and Brian sat up straight where they were working. Stiffening with indignation at how the twisting of events painted them. Which added the sting of their sore bottoms to the sting of the words, as they rocked back to sit on their chairs properly.
“Now given the animosity between you and Brian I could credit what you would call slander happening. I need to know what vile slander was used to get a former starfleet officer to go on a two versus one offensive as part of a schoolyard brawl?”
Andy was caught short by that and said, ”Um... I would rather not... um... repeat it. Anyways just because he was in starfleet does mean he one of those ultra respectable types who can maintain the veneer of honor when they out of the service.”
“Well then, I need to question your 'getting to know him' statement, as you would think one of the first things you would ask a Medicalos was 'why' they are one. Which puts into question your reason to why Brian came over. As well as who did what. I already have Rodger's and Brian's versions. Do you wish to 'clarify' any part of yours?”
Andy found himself stumped he hadn't thought of what the slander should be, and clearly he had underestimated the new kid's reputation, he had considered him little more than a grease-monkey. And he had no clue how Brian had spun the events, but if he changed his story he might add blatant lying to his troubles. And unless his victim story holds up it doesn't matter if his teacher believes Brian started it or not, because then it was just them fighting. He had belatedly remembered, while he was resting in the nurse's office, about Mr. Johnson's promise of what would happen the next time that happened. Finally he answered, “No, Sir.”
Giving Andy a long hard look Mr. Johnson finally spoke, “OK, then on review of all the versions. I believe that, for reasons of your own, you approached and began to browbeat Rodger. Then when Brian tried to undiplomatically interfere with your attempt, you tried to stop him though force. Rodger then tried to stop you by using a method he should not have attempted.
“You were warned that if you and Brian didn't learn to to deal with your mutual antagonism, I would paddle your bottoms the next time you two got into a fight.”
Andy made a last ditched attempt when he said, “Then why isn't he up here with me?”
“As your classmates noticed, I have already dealt with Brian. You see, unlike you he admitted his error. So I did not need to wait to hear your version to deal with his behaviour. I am disappointed that you could not do the same.”
Mr. Johnson then reached out and pulled down Andy's uniform bottoms. Andy braced himself to be lifted but was caught of guard when his undies where pulled down to join them instead. Andy had not yet recovered from his teacher's departure from routine when he was lifted and deposited face down over the teacher's lap. After quickly adjusting Andy's position. Andy's bottom looked starkly white compared to his tan, before Mr. John hand rapidly turned it darker and darker pink. But for all Andy's bluster he did not seem so tough now. He was openly crying before Mr. Johnson stopped the hand spanking. While his bottom definitely looked sore, but no one in the classroom thought it was over just yet. For Mr. Johnson turned to where the paddles hung.
Now every grade in rejuve school has four paddles that are rated for them. Though numbers 3 and 4 normally only get used on extra naughty pennies. So most of the class thought Mr. Johnson would chose the Grade 3 #2 paddle, which the young starters were first introduced to as the Grade 1 #4. But instead, Mr. Johnson picked up the #3 paddle. That one was 12 cm wide, 24 cm long and 9 mm think. Andy was worried, while he could not see which paddle Mr. Johnson was grabbing, but he could hear his classmates' surprise and that, and it was unlikely that bode well for himself. Mr. Johnson did not believe in dragging out a spanking for a non-penny, so he let the paddle show Andy just how disappointed he was with how he handled this, and there was no excuse for it either, rejuves know better. It why he preferred working with them.
Andy's fears were conformed when he felt the impact of the paddle, it had to be one of the bigger paddles! It stung worse than anything he had felt since he had rejuved, and it was shaping up to the hardest spanking in his renewed life. He was bawling by third paddle whack, not that bought him any leniency, and precious little sympathy either from his classmates. For they all figure, despite their increased respect for the #3 paddle, that Andy was lucky not to be visiting Principal Clarke's office and being introduced to his Board of Education.
After delivering no less whacks with the paddle the Brian got spanks on the bare, Mr. Johnson put down the paddle and set Andy on his feet. Andy's hands flew back as he began his versions of the brat war dance, unencumbered for Andy had hick his shorts and undies clean off.
But Mr. Johnson quickly put a stop to it be gently grasping Andy's writs and guided them so he hands were on his head. “No rubbing young man, off to the corner with you.” Once he was sure Andy's glowing bottom was on proper display, he turned to the class and continued, “El, Franchette, finish up what your working on because when Andy is released from his corner time he will be joining you two. The three of you will could do with more comparative history of our species, and with Disporia just around the corner the three of you can research the parallels of the effect of stardrives on our histories, with the goal of making a presentation to the class, as your classmates could also do with hearing your findings. The rest of you, back to your work. The show is over.”
Later at lunch Brian, Melcome, Jackie and Eartha came and start next Rodger so they could all eat lunch together.
Brian open the conversation by saying, “I'm sorry Rodger, about getting you into trouble on your first day, and everything. And I really do appreciate the trying to help.”
“No problems, I mean look at this way. I was merely returning the help you gave me, and that help is what go you in trouble,” replied Rodger.
“Man, Mr. Johnson must have really ripped into you with his scolding, I mean no disrespect, but it looked like you had you at least near, if not actually crying; by what you looked like when I came in,” interjected Melcome.
Earthe said, before Rodger could reply, “Oh it wasn't just a scolding he got; but a hinnie warming too. And any of us would be crying by the time we got off Mr. Johnson lap as well. So there no shame in that. Oh don't look at me like that Rodger, the way you squirmed on your seat while we worked it was obvious.”
Jackie was shocked, “What? Spanked on his first day, but he's a Medicalos!”
Brian quickly chided, “Way to go, let the whole school know, why don't ya. As I said earlier Traditionalist get spanked like a red headed penny. Well may not a Innocentatas, but you lordly Medicalos for sure, isn't that right.”
Blushing, Rodger confirmed, “My Mom at least believes so.”
“Well it over now, aint it?” asked Melcome.
“Well there still the note,” Jackie added.
“Please, don't remind me! My parents will not be pleased to see another one,” groaned Brian, So I'm guessing, me and Rodger will be having simular experiences when we get home, and if there is any justice so will Andy”
“But you lot already been punished for the fight, why would the more at home,” Melcome asked.
“Well, um, Mr. Johnson punished us for what he said he did, and if it had happened at home that would be the end of, but as it happened at school where the fact of our behaviour causes trouble for others, and by tradition our parents deal with that” Rodger explained.
“And if that's the real problem our teacher punishing us will not do much, as it shows we are not respecting school, and our parents have to be the ones to show use the error there,” said Brian. “Anyway let's not borrow trouble. You lot want to know more wait for tomorrow. Then you can grill us all you want about it. Then we will not be imagining it worse than it gonna be. But one thing for sure, Mr. Johnson was right about one thing you guys can't argue about. Rodger why are you a Medicalos? Or is talking about a second spanking you may or may not begetting when you get home a more conformable topic for you?”
“Was it something to do with the docking accident, that was about the time you said you rejuved?” Eartha asked.
“I was caught in the explosion, yes” said Rodger.
“How does that provide the proof that Mr. Johnson was talking about?” asked Jackie.
“Well, he might have been referring to the fact, I've been told my choice of actions to protect my intern, while made my injuries worse, saved her from having to rejuve,” Rodger tried to temporize, “But any of you would have tried to do the same for a Kindern.”
“Rodger, thank you for the complement, but not everyone is officer material, I'm not so sure if we would,” said Brian.
Melcome added, “Andy wouldn't have, if would it put himself in more danger.”
With that their class was dismissed from the cafeteria and they invited Rodger to join them playing tag.
The rest of the schoolday was less eventful. After lunch Rodger found out that his class had been working going to be part of official performance for Contact day. Eartha had found out about an ancient earth dance that originated in Polynesia, called 'Poi'. It consisted of movements centered around the swinging of a type ball on a string. But the movements could tell a story. So Eartha would lead the class in the story of first contact between the species. While Rodger practiced with the class as it was great coordination exercise, but it would have been unfair to expect him to catch-up in time so soon after rejuving, so Mr. Johnson assigned Rodger to learn the narrative as homework, a roll that Mr. Johnson was going to do himself. Then afterwards they had story time where Mr. Johnson read to the class a book called 'Farmer in the Sky', a Panglish adaption of a pre-diaspora book that tried to guess what colonization would be like.
At the end of the schoolday before the class was dismissed Andy, Brian and Rodger were handed the note for their parents. It was sealed in the traditional envelope that was too large to fit in their schoolbags. He was holding it in his hand as he left the class for the pickup point at the front of the school.
He became even more self-conscience of the envelope when he saw Principal Clarke was their with young adult Jalaxian in plain clothes, and proceeded to call Rodger over to them. Rodger tried to minimize the visibility of the envelope behind his hoverboard.
Principal Clarke said, “Ah there you are, Master Murphie. I thought it would be better if there was some you had already meet was here to introduce you, This is Gunnery Sergeant Cait Sith. If you remember, your mother said he would be meeting after school”
“Thank you sir, Rodger said before saying, Nice to meet you Gunny.”
“Glad to meet you too Rodger.”
“Well if you will excuse me, I'm sure the a few students waiting outside my office,” Principal Clarke said in parting.
The gunny turned his full attention to Rodger. “So you do have your hoverboard, well if you feel up to it. I brought a tow cable for my hovercycle. It would let you ride it even if you coordination is not up to par yet. But what else to you got there, behind your board.”
Rodger blushed and thought to himself, This is not the first impression I wanted to make. “Um, it is just something from my teacher for my mother.”
“Ah, I suppose first day red tape, Bet you though you were free of it back in the civilian world I bet.”
Rodger chewed his lower. He had an opportunity of leave it at that. But he had to tell his mom right away about the note. As the note was just a tradition. The school would have contacted his mom directly. Which means the gunny might be there when he gave it to her. And would probability make the impression worse, and might even count as lying to to him, and he did not need yet another spanking. The gunny was about to change the topic when Rodger finally said, “Not that kind of note.”
Cait quirked an furry eye ridge, “Uh oh. You don't need to say anymore. The content is for your mom.”
Rodger realizes something the could come from fessing up so risked it anyway, “Actually it something that you can help me with, Gunny. Well, help prevent it happening again anyway.”
“How can I be of help?”
“Well, I tried to stop a fight at school, but I used a move from my unarmed combat classes, but the rejuve wiped my muscle memory. I messed the move up, and hurt my target instead of restraining him. You could help me by help me with retraining.”
“I'm aware of the type of combat training starfleet gives. You do know that you should be in trouble for using it in a schoolyard fight?”
Rodger looked down and watched his fingers as he fiddle with the note as he answered, “Yes sir. But I was only trying a restraint. To try an prevent anyone from getting hurt. Not any of the attacks. But I admit, Mr. Johnson was right to spank me for it. But If you think I need one, I will not argue, even if it means getting it right now in front of everyone.”
Cait crouched down in front of Rodger and gently held him by the shoulders, “Oh Rodger, that's not what I meant. I did means it was a matter for your mom. I was just making sure you knew the gravity of the situation, before I offer to help you with this. If your mom okays it, I will work with you on it. You're more a danger to yourself and other if you try to use any of it half-trained like you currently are. But let me be clear, I will only do it if your mom signs off on it.”
Rodger brightened, “Thank you Gunny!”
“But there is noway, even with those safety pads of yours, that I'm going to tow you while you holding that envelope. Maybe tomorrow then? Anyway why don't we strap your board to the back of my hovercycle, then you can ride in front of me while you carry that.”
Riding home Cait keep one arm around Rodger, and careful driving meant Rodger could get enjoy the ride. While he though over his mixed emotion he was grateful that he did not have to ride the bus carrying this note and have to endure the teasing, for as far away from the school as he lived he would have would have been one of the last stops for the bus that headed in this direction. But that didn't help with his mounting anxiety about facing the music at home.
Cait stayed at the guardhouse allowing Rodger to walk the path to the front door alone. As he approached he notice he had a clear view, though the living room bay windows, of his Mother sitting on the couch. She was probably waiting for him. He hadn't notice when she had sat there for his birthday spanking what a clear view people looking in would have of the whole thing. He took a deep breath, deciding no point in attempting to drag it out, so he palmed open the door. “Mom, I'm home!”
“I'm over here in the living room, Honey. So how was my little man's first day of school?” she asked.
Rodger walk over to her, holding the envelope that sealed his doom in front of him, and handed it to her, “I'm sorry Mom, I got into a fight at school.”
Keeping a schooled neutral expression that Rodger could not read she took the envelope and opened it before carefully reading the note. Letting Rodger fidget as she did so, before carefully asking, “Fighting in school is very serious thing to bring a note home about. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Sorry Mom. I know fighting is unacceptable, and that I showed poor judgment in how I choose to... to stop the fight. And ready for my spanking now if you are” Rodger manged to say despite his nerves.
“Honey you seem to have put a lot of thought into this. And you are right I would spank you if you cam home with a note about fighting in school. But Honey, that is not what the note says you were spanked for.”
Caught of guard, Rodger quickly rethought about what Mr. Johnson actually said, “I.. I wasn't spanked for fighting, Mr. Johnson said it was for how I tried to stop the fight.
“That's right Honey. Being a traditionalist child does not mean you treated like a penny. Pennies get spanked at home just because they got spanked at school. You are only spanked again at home if you caused trouble or distribution at school. You were not trying to cause trouble, you were trying to stop it. As for disruption the note says it was at recess, not during class. Now While I will not pretended I'm at all happy about you managing to get into enough trouble to be spanked on your first day of school, but I'm not going to added to your punishment, for now. But think about this young man, you only have to end of November till end of term, so you don't have too much time to repair the effect this incident will have on your deportment grade, while it will take truly poor grades to get you in trouble for most of your school work, it will only take lackluster in effort and/or deportment to land you in trouble on report card day.”
“But Mom, Brian said he going to get spanked again at home too, and he didn't even hurt Andy.”
“That is between Brian, and his parents, Or are you asking for a spanking just because what sounds like a new friends is getting one, and not because you have earned one?”
“Umm... no Mom,” Rodger blushes again.
“Good, because if I'm reading this right He's does not sound like the type that will hold it against you. And Honey to be frank with the trouble you're having with this transition so far, I don't think you need to be looking for any extra spankings.”
Rodger rubbed his bottom though his school shorts as he giggled, “No, I suppose do not, do I.”
“What about homework? You get any?”
“Yes, Mr. Johnson was not impressed by my Jalaxian, so I got a word list just like a Kindern 3rd grader, and he not only wants me to learn the words, but he wants me to write them out by hand 10 times each, cause I didn't learn Jalaxian as a Kindern so I still got to learn to write it the hard way. And I'm to be the narrator for our class's Contact Day performance. So I got those lines to learn.”
“Oh it's your class that will be part of that? Good for you, sounds you got a lot to start on tonight, so go up to your room and change out of your uniform, and I'll bring you up an after school snack for you while you you work on it”
“Ok Mom,” with that and a hug Rodger was off to his room