Welcome to Link Central
Below are some links that I have gathered that for some reason or another I have enjoyed so i though I would share them with you..
SJGAMES web site
- these are the creators of GURPS and are very net friendly.
- GURPS: Pern web site.
- it is a 'net book'
- Dragonhold - Underhill
- This is the Home page of Anne McCaffery, a most wonderful Author and person
- Robin Wood's web site
- Robin Wood is an excelten Artiset, and has done the art work work for People of Pern
Slashdot on line News
- /. is billed as 'News for Nerds. Stuff that matters.'
- A Wiki for all your anime needs.
The SETI web page.
- have a look at SETI@home if you want to help directly
The #Overlap homepage
- this is one of the IRC channel I hang out on. WARNING: the site is not intended for minors, and deals with the Spanking fetish.
Anime OTK
- a.k.a. "Anime Spanking Community" is an attempt to rebuild a central home for the spanking of brats in the anime style.
Boyz Being Boyz
- This is a male spanking art site that the male counter part to the handprints site.
Spanking Art Wiki
- The new home of the wiki
Anime Spanking Archive
- flairblack's project to collect the anime related spanking stories
- Anime Brats
- A interactive web community dedicated to Anime based spankings
- Due to cracker harassment the maintainer has taken down the site untill they decide what to do
Anime Conan
- A Fan-sub Site For the Subbing of Detective Conan from the beginning
- Another fan-sub site who works include Detective Conan
Kaizou Fansubs
- Another Detective Conan Fansub group that constrated on story line epiosdes
Hari no Ito
- Another Detective Conan Fansub group that constrated on filling in gaps in the subs
Black Organization Fansubs
- The newest Detective Conan Fansub group, openned with the Fansub of Movie 11
Leon's Reality
- A Friend from the Conan Groups, and good source for Bubblegum Crisis info
- redhat is the distribution of Linux that I use
- one of the Best places to go if you are looking for program to run in Linux
- User Friendly
- Join the Staff of This typical ISP as the go though life and day business
- you can go stright to today strip here
- Foxtrot
- Join the Fox Family, the highest complement I can give it is, it's the logical successor to Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbs, But sibling rivly though in.
- Keirsey Temperament Sorter
- This is a Personality sorter based on the theories of Jung.
An icon if you can use if you wish to link to my site