Rogue's Weyr : "the Weyr is where the dragon is" -Brekke Rider of Gold Wirenth, Southern Weyr

DISCLAIMER: The following story is a fictional group of random thought particles from the recesses of my mind. The setting of the series is based of the works of Lurking Dragon's Rejuve Universe in accordance with his writer's guide. This random stream of semi-conscience thought depicts a disciplinary spanking of an alien child and a rejuvenated child. If this offends your carefully cultured sensibilities, or you have yet to reached the rank of major in what you think is society, then please recycle these electrons to save bandwidth sooner than possible.

—Rogue (whose existence has yet to be disproved)

After School Special

Tuesday, 21st of August 2773,

Part 5 of Pint-Sized Engineer

Rodger felt exhilarated as he was being towed on his hoverboard behind Gunny Cait's hovercycle. He was heading home from school. Leaving behind a day that went far better then his first. Sure Gunny Cait had dragged him out of bed at first light. But that was so Rodger had time to work with him in the morning. While the basics stance and movement drills where as boring as ever, but the retraining was going much smoother than the original training. Plus he still managed to spend some time with his Mom over breakfast, before Gunny Cait brought him to school on time. It had turned out that Brian and Andy were both got spanked at home. While Brian was glad for Rodger that he had been spared a similar fate; but Andy was outraged. It did not seem likely to Rodger that he and Andy would get along any time soon. But he firmly did not raise to any of the bait Andy threw at him while Mr. Johnson wasn't looking. He had taken his mother's warning about his deportment grade to hear.

After lunch they had a lesson on painting. While the smocks had saved Rodger's uniform, right now it look like he was riding a war chariot into battle; war paint and all.

So he was in a great mood as Gunny Cait brought them onto the Murphie property. Rodger slowed only long enough to pick up his board as he rushed into the house calling, “Mom, I'm home!” When no answer came, he called again, “Mom?”

“Rodger, over here in the dining room,” came a unexpected familiar voice of Karlara.

Putting down his hoverboard and schoolbag, Rodger went into the dining room where Karlara sat in her school uniform. Her fur fully regrown, and probably the shiniest he had ever seen it; along with a younger Jalaxian Kindern boy. He was wearing the uniform of Maiuchi Kindern Elementary, much like Rodger's own uniform but was red with blue trim instead. Though surprisingly he was wearing it on the long side contrary to the trend Rodger had noticed; perhaps the trend was different among the Kindern. His fur markings was very similar to that of Karlara's, so the a good money was on that he was finally meeting her little brother that he had heard so much about.

“Hello there Rodger. This is my little brother Maneki. Your mom got called into some classified meeting, allong with our dad. As our mom is also working late today, I've been asked to sit both of you.”

“Oh. Hi there Maneki, glad to meet finally meet you. Karlara has mentioned you well.”

“What ever,” said Maneki dismissively. [“Karlara, why couldn't you have sat this messy little brat at our place? Then I wouldn't be stuck here.”]

“Hey!” Rodger complained.

“Maneki, you're a guest, behave like it! Use your Panglish and watch your mouth, or I'll put you on the line,” Karlara scolded her brother. “Firstly, he is now only two years younger than you. Secondly, this is the first time I have sat for my former mentor, so all our parents agreed it should be here.”

“Um, Karlara, you've mentioned it before but what is being on the line all about?” Rodger asked hesitantly. He had figured out that it was a punishment but had never wanted to embarrass his prideful intern by asking about the details before. But now it seemed it might just be something that could happen to him, he had to know.

Karlara gave Maneki a sideways smile to make him think she had mentioned it in relation to him rather than herself; before answering, “Hum, where to start. Rodger do you know why Jalaxians put that horizontal line everywhere? Always at the same height even if we vary it's thickness or colour?”

“Um, No. I've noticed its presence, it makes a convenient handrail on space vessels. But its ubiquitous puzzled me given how dexterous Jalaxians as a whole are.”

“Well its height represents an ancient social milestone for us. For it is the average height of when a Jalaxian child reaches P'flar. The age where we are deemed to have learnt enough to associate with others outside of our family; without disgracing ourselves or our family. It normally coincides with get our full fur coat.

“Now this is not like turning 21 for the age of majority in humans, that comes later for us too. When we reach P'flar our behavior is still considered needing guidance. But the punishments from our toddlerhood aren't nearly as effective anymore. So a new punishment that deals with our ability to maintain pride is used. To be put on the line means we have to put our nose on the line, and hold our tails up, and keep our knees strait. Putting ourselves in isolation and on display at the same time. Of course as we get older, as the line does not get higher. So we have to bend over more sticking our bottom out further. Depending on how naughty we were will determine whether we do it bare bottomed or not.”

“Ah, like corner time then,” said Rodger, though he realized, probability a bigger deal for them due to how Jalaxians react to humiliation.

“Yes. And now you can't complain you didn't know, if I need to put you on the line, young man,” Karlara teased Rodger. “Now go get you school things and come join us in doing our homework. Getting changed out of your uniform can wait. Because while Maneki was rude, but he was also right. Your bath can't wait till bed time.”


Once homework, and the snack Karlara had fixed them, was done and demolished; Karlara announced, “Right you two, upstairs with the pair of you. It is time for your baths.”

“You got to be kidding, Karlara” complained Maneki.

“I'm not. You were to have a bath before bed as well.”

“So I'll take it before bed; at home!”

“Mom is working late tonight, and who knows when Dad, and Rodger's mom are going to get home. It is likely it's going to be past your bed time anyway. So it was suggest that we stay over anyway.”

“Fine, I'll still wait before bed.”

“No. I said now,” and with that Karlara grabbed one of Mankei's feline ears, and gestured to Rodger to lead the way.

When she got her charges into the bathroom, she let go of Maneki's ear, which he proceeded to rub. As she started to draw them the bath, she look back over should, “Well what you two waiting for,” she teased to defuse her little brothers unusual attitude. “You can't take a bath in your school uniforms now can you?”

Rodger blushed at having to get naked in front someone, other then the person who had been his wife, for the first time in a long long time. And now that someone just happened to be his former protégé. But she was in charge now, and orders were orders. So he began to strip throwing his uniform into the hamper as parts were removed. Meanwhile Maneki just stood there, stunned.

“Come on Maneki get undressed. It's not like I don't see you in nothing but your fur at home from time to time,” encouraged Karlara.

“No way! You can't expect me to share a bath with him!” exploded Maneki.

“Drop the attitude right now Maneki Felixian. I don't know what has gotten into you. You never give me this much trouble. But you're both little boys, you will easily fit into the tub at the same time, so there is no need waste water, or power reheating it. You will have your bath now, and you will share it with Rodger.”

Maneki stripped out of his uniform. He was being unusually body shy for a Jalaxian. But when he had finally joined Rodger standing the nude as the tub filled, the reason for him wearing his uniform long became painfully clear. He had no bottom fur, nor on back of his upper and inner thighs; just like a Jalaxian toddler. What's more the the way the edges faded, it wasn't shaved off.

“Karlara, I though you said you had your full coats by P'flar,” asked Rodger.

“It's your doctor's fault!” Maneki protested.

“What, Maneki means is he, like myself, is part of Dr. Brin's trails for the adaption of the Fujikawa treatment. As you know for me the treatment had very little noticeable effect. Dr Brin thinks it is because I had it too close to puberty. But Maneki got his before P'flar. And the lack of fur growth was an unexpected side effect. But Maneki is hitting all the other milestones right on schedule for the desired results. If the fur grows in when he does hit puberty, like Dr Brin projects, Dad is going to recommend to our homeworld's government that the version Maneki is getting be the norm for our species. As it makes it easier to fit in with the new traditions.”

“Easier!?! How would you like to be called baby-butt! It's easy for you! You got the biggest tits in your class!”

“Ha! I'm the only one who needs more than a training bra. But that has its own problems as it is. And heavens forbid if Mom or Dad ever catch me wearing gloves longer than I need them for safety. They say it is especially important that my Silver 'K's be on display at all time.”

Maneki hopped into the bath as soon as Karlara started to turn off the water. He felt better not having his furless backside on display in front of a non family member. And when Rodger joined him, Karlara began to scrub the paint off Rodger's face with a wash cloth. Rodger tried fender her off.

“Karlara, I know how to wash myself.”

“That might be true, but your Mother left explicit instructions. I'm to fully bathe you; to drive home that our roles are now reversed. That between us, you are the kid, and not the Boss anymore. Besides admit it, you could use the help making sure you get all that war paint off.”

“Yeah listen to your babysitter,” taunted Maneki as he splashed Rodger narrowly missing Karlara in the process.

Unfortunately Rodger couldn't help but get her as well as Maneki when he return fire. For she had leaned in to get on with the task of making Rodger look respectable. Which only encourage Maneki not to be out done be the younger kid.

“The pair of you, if you don't settle down you'll both will be in trouble!”

Rodger decided that a little corner time was worth not letting the grouchy Kindern have the final shot, and splashed back.

“Agh!” Karlara groaned with frustration, her instructions from Governor Murphie were to take a firm hand with Rodger tonight to fully establish their new roles from the get go, and Her brother had already pushed her tolerance to the limit, “Right you are both in trouble, the only thing you two can do now, is make it worse for yourselves. So settle down right this instant. Maneki get a move on and get yourself cleaned, the fur cleaner is right there. Rodger sit still while I get that paint off you.”

Rodger quickly started cooperating, he did not want more than he had bargain for. And Maneki knew better than to complain as neither of their parents were here to appeal to, and if he made things worse for himself, their parents would add their two credits worth to it when they got back.


When Karlara was satisfied that her charges were properly clean from head to toe. She stood up and said, “The pair you, stay sitting where you are. I will be right back.”

So Rodger and Maneki sat in their cooling, but still warm, bath. They nervously looked at each other, wondering why she needed to leave, but not daring to do anything but what they had been told.

When she returned she was carrying Melanie's Helper paddle. Rodger realized he had underestimated the cost of that splash. Maneki desperately prayed that his sister was only intended to use it on the rejuve, for as a Kindern the helper paddle was a high sanction that he had felt before. Not that he let it be common knowledge among his fellow Jalaxian classmates that he was still spanked at home, not just in school.

Karlara placed the helper paddle down on the edge of sink, so that she could take one of the big fluffy towels from the warming rack. She proceeded to sit down on the closed lid of the toilet, before carefully arranging the towel across her lap, even though her uniform was already wet.

“Alright Maneki, take my hand and step out of the bath,” said Karlara; her tone kept very professional.

“But Karlara, it was Rodger that splashed you after you said to stop; not me,” complained Maneki all the while doing what he was told.

“And that ment to excuse your atrocious manners while the guest in someone else's home? Or the fact you started it?” Karlara countered as she draped her dripping little brother across her lap, leaving Rodger a good view of his water glistening bottom.

Maneki knew that helper paddle was for him, even before she reached to pick it up. Disgraceful conduct was not tolerated, and made the mess pale in comparison. Karlara brought the helper paddle down on the middle of his bottom with a loud watch that resounded in the bathroom. Maneki clung to the tip of his tail. That whack was the worse he ever received with the helper paddle, and from what he had seen of it, it was no different from the one they had at home.

“I see that a wet bottom spanking is as effective on your furless bottom, as the book on traditionalist says it will be on Rodger's. Perhaps I should tell Mom and Dad about this interesting tidbit,” Karlara mused out loud as she repeated the whack in various points on his non-furred target area, She worked her way until the entire area was turned a nice punished pink.

Maneki didn't even get a chance to try to show the younger boy how tough he was, and take his spanking like no big deal. To his own mortification he was yowling like a spanked kitten from the get go. He found the helper paddle bad enough normally. But this new element was making him reevaluate the scoffing he gave his human classmates about their worrying about getting spanked. This was just as bad as being put on the line in front of family! If his sister did not stop reddening his bottom soon, this technique will give being on the line in front of non family a go for its credits.

Karlara again put the helper paddle aside on the sink to help her brother this feet. He instantly let go of his tail and began rubbing his sore bottom.

“Maneki, go hop into the shower stall, and dry off in the sonic dryer mode. I want you dried off by the time I finish with Rodger.”

“Yes... Karlara,” Maneki said sniffling, but obeying.

Holding out her hand to Rodger, Karlara said, “Time for your introduction to my lap, Master Rodger.”

As he took her hand he though to himself, Well it looks likes this will definitely hurt, but compared to the spankings I've had and witnessed this last week, It seems I'm going to get off lightly.

No sooner than when Rodger, still dripping, was guided into place over Karlara's lap, Maneki let a out a fresh yowl. The normally soothing sonic dryer's vibration had renewed the sting in his bottom, though nowhere near as bad as a another smack would have.

Rodger felt Karlara lean to pick something up. But it was not the helper paddle that he had expected, for the helper paddle was still laying on the sink within his line of sight. When he felt something round and flat rest against his bottom, Rodger looked back over his shoulder to see Karlara lining up the bath brush flat side down; trying to get a feel for it.

“But... but, Karlara! You only spanked Maneki with a helper paddle!” Rodger complained suddenly finding the cost was higher yet!

“Of course I did. While he pushed my last nerve, he is only a Kindern. And you know as well as I do, Kindern are never spanked with more than that. Maneki is the only one I've ever spanked. Hence why I'm taking a moment to be sure I'm using this right. But I'm sure the question you actually meant was 'why aren't you also being spanking the same'.” Karlara said rubbing the bath brush in smooth circles around Rodger's wet bottom, “Well, my dear charge, while it was my darling baby brother that pushed me to the edge. It was you who pushed me over, after the warning; to get in the last shot. I think you were counting on the fact I have never sat a rejuve before. But unfortunately for you when your mother first asked if I would be available to sit you last weekend. She gave me a book about babysitting traditionalist children. Which brings us to your answer; For bath time misbehaviour it said if you're not going to use your hand, use the bathbrush.”

With that, she dipped the bathbrush quickly into the bath, before bringing firmly down on his far side neither cheek, followed by a repeating of the whack on his other one. For someone that had never wielded one in this manner, she was highly dexterous with the bathbrush. It took twice as many swats to cover the same area on Rodger with the bath brush, than it did Maneki with the helper paddle. Due the bathbrush head had a smaller surface area, but hit was also heavier. Well at least she thought it was the same area. Rodger did not have a convenient fur outlined area, so it might have been slightly larger as she got his sitspots, the back of his thighs, a bit of their insides, and of course his bouncing buttocks themselves.

While Rodger took more swats than Maneki to be out right crying. She did not stop at the shade of pink that she did with her brother, but rather kept going for the darker shade the book had recommended. But to reach it she had to dip the brush in the bath a second time.

Mankei had finished with the sonic dryer and was standing there watching in stunned silence at how much worse a spanking could be when Karlara put down the brush and helped Rodger to his feet.

As Rodger did his brat war dance, Karlara pulled the plug on the tub. Then she turned to the naked sore bottom boys and said, “Right you two, march on down to the living room.”

Having received plenty of incentive to do as they were told, the boys preceded Karlara, while she followed their glowing butts downstairs.

When they got into the room the boys stopped in the middle of the room, and turned to face Karlara, and waited to find out what was next.

“While the Murphie's home does not have a line, you may have noticed that this room has something almost as good. As you can see this room has wood panelling that only comes part way up the wall. Where it ends is close enough to work.” Pointing to the wall opposite of the bay windows she continued, “The pair of you can go on the line there. Rodger, you can put your hands on you head, as you do not have a tail to hold.”

The boys complied quickly. Once she was satisfied that their red derrières were on proper display left the room.


After about ten minutes she returned. She had changed into a clean shirt and skirt, and was carrying a pile of folded clothes. Karlara sat down on the couch while she placed the clothes on the coffee table.

“OK, boys you can leave the line,” she said to release them from their punishment. “Now Rodger, I need to brush Maneki's fur out, you are welcome come sit on the couch next to us and snuggle up; before or after you get dressed,” she gently said patting the couch next to her.

Rodger went straight away to snuggle up next to her, as Manki crawled up onto her lap. He justified to himself that his choice for immediate comfort by thinking, I'm just being a good host. It just so that my body shy guest isn't left being the only one still nude.

As Karlara gently used the fur brush on Maneki, her brother reacted like a pet cat. Rodger asked, “Karlara, how did you get the changes of clothes, and stuff like the fur brush and cleaner? It's not like you would have brought to school, right?”

“Well, while we were in school, when the plans changed Dad packed an over night bag for us, and Mr. Dowland dropped it off for us.”

“Mr. Dowland?” Rodger asked puzzled. Then he realized, “Oh! You mean Philip!”

“While you knew him as your wife's assistant, He is now Mr. Dowland to you too, unless of course you have been invited to call him Uncle Philip.”

“Sorry, Karlara, you're right, It is Mr. Dowland now,” Rodger blushed at his slip up.


Karlara put down the fur brush, having finished brushing out her brother's fur. She gave immediately gave both the boys a big group hug.

“Why don't you two get dressed and go play together. But stay inside today, no need to undo your baths.”

The boys climbed down and started getting dressed into the clothes she had brought to them. Maneki's depicted the black and white furred Silverton the Cat1, a character related to Boswell Bunny. So perhaps that was the reason why she had chosen for Rodger a set that showed Silverton's fellow character Whacky Woodpecker2, a red headed woodpecker who was often also red bottomed due to his bratty behavior.

Once both boys were dressed, Rodger decided that as a good host he need to be the one to offer the olive branch, and let Maneki pick the game. Karlara had amply shown what bad manners cost.

“So, Maneki. What do you want to play? I have a good set of lego blocks...”

Maneki look at Rodger with disdain, “I though you would have been way past stacking blocks. Shesh. I wish I had my HV games. I prefer games like 'Ultimate D'jetar Competition'.”

Rodger ignored the misrepresentations of his legos. But instead beamed, and grabbed Maneki's wrist and lead him off to his room saying, “Then you're in luck, I have that game, and then some!”

Rodger showed Maneki how he had tied the HV game system into his holo-decorator, so that that his whole room became part of the background of the game. So they were now standing in the center of the U.D.C. arena. Maneki was suitably impressed, and began stop thinking of Rodger like the pesty 3rd graders from his Kindern school. They both agreed to use the random tournament mode. Rodger had to admit while he was not match for Maneki's feline grace, he had fun.


By the time Karlara told them to wash up for dinner, the boys were getting along famously. So much so neither of them objected, at bedtime, when they were told that they were to share Rodger's bed. The boys where already finished getting changed into their Pajamas, Rodger his Dr. Dentons, and Maneki into a short sky blue two piece set, by the time K arlara entered Rodger's room seemingly only carrying Maneki's Lazuli.

“OK, you two up onto the bed with the pair of you,” she directed. “No, don't bother to get under the spread just yet, but lay down on your tummies.”

Neither boy like the sound of that at all, but obeyed anyway. Especially so, for after she put the Lazuli down next to Maneki, she lowered his pajama bottoms, and then undid Rodger's flap.

Rodger pleaded, “Please Karlara, do we really need a bedtime spanking as well?”

“Oh sorry Rodger, I did not mean to give you that impression. I was just planning on applying this,” she said showing the boys another item she had been carrying that they had not noticed; a tube of nano-lotion. She then proceeded to apply it thoroughly to their still pink spanked areas. But when finished she restored their pajamas's positions without activating it.

“OK boys clamber under now, and I'll tuck you in. So Rodger, have you given your Lazuli a name yet?” she asked.

After settling down and pulling his Lazuli into a hug, Rodger answered, “I have not settled on a name just yet. I was hoping you would tell me the story that your Dad had hinted about first.”

“OK then,” she said before settling down on the edge of the bed. “I suppose there is time for a bedtime story.

“In Ancient times, before the Jalaxian prides united, and still warred on each other. There lived a young chief of a plains pride called Lazuli. He was a kind and brave chief, but at the time of this tale he was still untried; his father having recently died. As it was their custom Lazuli had left the village to stand vigil at a holy place to honor his father. A group of slavers took the opportunity of Lazuli absence. For at the time it was the custom to take captives of enemy prides and keep them as slaves. The slavers attacked in the night, killing any adult that was awake and opposed them. For this group of slavers were only interested in taking children, easy prey, and easier to keep subdued as they traveled back to their home. While the could not be immediately be sold and used for most tasks. They could be trained easier, and trained and obedient slaves had the best value.

“When Lazuli returned as was told what had happen, he set out on his own. He stalked the slavers back to their camp. Using his stealth and cunning he defeated the slavers, and brought back to his home, not just the children of his pride, but also the ones of all the other prides in the camp. But he did not make slaves of these other children. He declared they would be raised as members of the pride, like any war orphan born of the pride. He also forbade the future taking of slaves by his own pride. It is also said he always did his best to free any child he found in slavery for the rest of his life. His pride became the first recorded mixed heritage pride, and eventually lead the way in uniting all the Jalaxian prides.

“This is why it traditional for Jalaxian children to sleep with a Lazuli plushie, to protect their sleep.”

“I think I know what I will call my own lazuli then.” said Rodger after much consideration.

“What?” asked Maneki.

“Leo Braveheart,” he replied firmly.

“That's a good name. But now it is a school night, and you to both need to get right to sleep. I know if I just left you to it the pair of you would up all night talking, so I'm turning on the delta-inducer. Good night.”

The delta-inducer had them asleep before the finish their own 'good nights'. Before she left the sleeping boys, she activated the nano-lotion by remote.

To Be Continued...

1: As Boswell Bunny is the 28th Century version of Bugs Bunny Silverton is Sylvester the Cat

2: Likewise Whacky is also Woody Woodpecker.