DISCLAIMER: The following story is formed from a group of random thought particles from the recesses of mine and my co-author Hrtofdrkns' minds, there is no intentional similarities between the characters in the stories and real (or so they think) persons, of the past, currently alive, or yet to be born. Kich the Catboy is copyrighted to my co-author Hrtofdrkns, and together we make sole claim on these electrons, though they can be cloned freely as long as the message remains intact, and no attempt to uses it to gain the favour of the minor deity known as money. This random stream of semi-conscience thought contains depictions of a catboy being spanked as a form of punishment,if such things offends carefully cultured sensibilities, or you have yet reached the rank of major in what you think is society, then please recycle these electrons to save bandwidth sooner than possible
—Rogue (who's existence has yet to be disproved)
Kich the Catboy (M/b, nc, choc)
Kichimaru, ("Just Kich" he would say), scurried down the stairs at the
sound of his owner's voice. He had left a mess of candy wrappers everywhere
and spilled a soda on the carpet. To make things worse, he had spent
the day watching t.v. and had not done his chores. His cat ears were
pressed against his head and his tail was down as he reached the bottom
of the stairs.
"Where are you Kich...Oh there you are!" Brian called out in an annoyed voice. "I see you didn't put up the Halloween decorations as I asked," he continued as he put his backpack down on the landing's table and rubbed between Kich's ears. (He was annoyed with the young catboy for not doing as he was asked, but he still loved him). He headed towards the living room, Kich following him, then saw the wrappers everywhere. "Kichimaru! You got into the candy! I said they were for the Trick-or-Treaters!"
"Well...I just had one. But then I thought one more couldn't hurt. Then I thought that again...and then there weren't anymore." Kich said, hoping his owner didn't see the soda stain or sink full of dirty dishes.
Brian groaned "That's why I said not to have any! I know that sweet tooth of yours. So young man, I already know you didn't put up the decorations. Did that sugar addled brain of yours remember to do your other chore for today? It's not liked I ask you to much while I'm on campus." he said, glaring down at his cute catboy.
"No." Kich said, looking at his feet.
"What am I going do with you Kichimaru?" Brian said. 'Damn he's cute, but I can't let this slide.' "At least you, belatedly, had the good sense not to lie, as soap is not so sweet." Brian reached out and grabbed the tip of one of Kich's cat ears and lead him over to the couch by it. But just as they reached the end of the the couch Brian felt some type of liquid seeping around the sides of his house slippers as he stepped down into the soda spill. "Eech, what is this !?!"
"I kinda...spilled a soda." Kich said. "Please don't spank me!"
"I will not spank you for accidentally spilling, but not bothering to at least clean it up is the icing on the cake of making a mess with stuff you were not meant to even touch in the first place, as well as not doing your chores. Those are the reasons you have earned a spanking!" Brian sat down on the couch letting go of Kich's ear. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, young man, that might possibly explain all that?"
"No." Kich replied. He knew he had been a naughty kitty, and deserved this spanking.
Brian pulled his naughty kitty across his lap, then undid the tail strap at the back of Kich's denim shorts before peeling them down to his knees.
Kich gulped loudly as his underware was exposed. "Not on the bare!"
"Well it sure isn't going over those shorts, unless they have been naughty too?"
Kich mewed softly, his little bottom clenching in anticipation.
Brian gave Kich a couple of quick pats on his paw printed catboy underoos.
"Which means these have to come off too." He undid the velcro tail-strap,
and send them to join the shorts. "Tail up young man, and keep it up"
"Tail up young man, and keep it up."
Kich's small, pale cheeks clenched a little in a futile effort to block the spanking he knew was coming as he lifted his tail onto his back.
Brian raised his hand just far enough so that the following spanks would definitely be felt, but knowing he didn't need to use full strength on the young catboy to achieve that. He paused just long enough so that at least the first spank would land between Kich's clenching motions. *spank*
Kich whimpered, but gave no other response.
Brain preceded to apply 5 quick round robin spanks, starting on the crescent of the far butt cheek, down to the sitspots of the same cheek, before coming across to the other sit spot, then up to that cheek's crescent before come back and landing the 5th across the middle of the sitspots.
"Ouch!" Kich yelped, starting to cry a little.
Brian continued in his cycle, but a bit slower "Kichimaru, *spank* I am dis-*spank*-appointed in your *spank* laziness. *SPANK* I gave you *spank* plenty of *spank* time *SPANK* to do the *SPANK* few *spank* chores *spank* I gave *spank* you to do. *SPANK* *SPANK* You must *spank* learn *SPANK* not to put off *SPANK* what you *spank* need *SPANK* to do, *spank* or else *spank* you'll never *SPANK* get it done." *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK*
"OWIE! I'm sorry!" Kich said as he cried harder, kicking his legs.
"Good *SPANK* and *SPANK* if *SPANK* living *SPANK* in a *SPANK* clean *Spank* house *spank* is not *spank* enough *SPANK* motivation *SPANK* to do *spank* them *Spank* then I hope a very *SPANK* sore *SPANK* bottom* will be!" *SPANK*
"YES, I PROMISE!" Kich wailed, squirming harder over his owner's lap.
Resting his hand on Kich's warming backside Brian said "I'm glad you do, because I intend to keep mine if you don't. Now we have a another matter to take care of, and slightly more serious than not living up to expected standards young man. You directly disobeyed me by eating those candies, let alone all of them!" He took a firmer hold of his squirming lad before resuming spanking the mischievous catboy but in a revered pattern starting on the far sitspot, then down to the far upper thigh, before coming across to the other upper thigh, then up to it's sitspot, before ending the cycle back in the middle of the sitspots.
"AAHH! Stop!" Kich wailed loudly, his bottom turning red under his master's stinging wrath.
"You *Spank* need *SPANK* to remember *SPANK* who *Spank* obeys *SPANK* who in this *Spank* household *SPANK* I, not *SPANK* you *Spank* decides *SPANK* when *Spank* the spanking *SPANK* ends *SPANK* just like *Spank* when I *SPANK* say not *Spank* to eat *SPANK* something *SPANK* because *Spank* it is for *SPANK* something *Spank* I expect it *SPANK* to stay *SPANK* uneaten, *Spank* do I make *SPANK* myself *SPANK* sufficiently *SPANK* clear *SPANK* young *SPANK* man?" *SPANK*
"WAAAAH! I'M SORRY!" Kich cried loudly, kicking wildly.
Brian firmly planted a final spank in each of the 7 spots he been spanking, then rubbed his catboy's back while Kich cried himself out, letting the massaging rub convey the feeling of forgiveness.
Kich cried and cried over his master's lap. It wasn't just the fire in his rear, it was the knowledge that he had been so bad his owner had needed to take him over his lap and spank him.
Brian continued to rub, and crooned gently "There there Kich, the punishment is done, and you are forgiven".
As Kich's cries finally whined down Brian gently places Kich on his feet. "Why don't you go find where you underoos and shorts landed from when you kicked them off and get dressed agian humm?"
Kich then gathered them up and carefully puts his underware and shorts back on, then gingerly sat his spanked bottom in his master's lap, resting his head against his chest.
Brian hugged him tight and resumed stroking his back. "I much prefer you this way up on my lap my Kich." he said with a smile, "But you need get the kitchen cleaned up so that we can go shopping before the shops close and I can buy tonight's dinner, unless you'd rather go to bed with no supper?" he ended with a wink. "You can leave this mess *indicating the wrappers* until after dinner if you have to."
"Okay." Kich smiled as he got off his lap, rubbing his bottom a little. He then went to the kitchen and started on the dishes.
To avoid the irony of having just spanked his little Kich for procrastinating, Brian took his books to the kotatsu and started to work on his University homework while he waited for Kich to finish with his delayed chore.