Rogue's Weyr : "the Weyr is where the dragon is" -Brekke Rider of Gold Wirenth, Southern Weyr

Seth's Easter

By Dr. Discipline

'Easter. For many children it's a time of joy, presents, chocolate and fun. Not for a penitatas though. Nope, for a penitatas Easter means spanking, lots of it.'

This is what I thought just after dad woke me up on Easter Sunday. I wasn't looking forward to this day at all!

I was quickly taken across his knee and my pyjama pants and underwear were removed. "Now remember to keep careful count Seth. We wouldn't want you to get any extras now would we?"

"No sir" I replied.

Dad started off with brisk, full force hand spanks. They hurt a lot, and I had to keep track of them, which was hard under those conditions. After just five spanks I started crying real hard. This was my first special punishment day, and it was every bit as bad as I thought it would be.

I don't know how I managed to keep count during the entire spanking, but I did. When I counted to 20, dad stopped spanking me and let me off his lap. He left the room, leaving me bare bottomed and crying, alone in the room.

I took a moment to rub my bottom while there was no one around. Mom came in a minute after that and ordered me to put my hands on my head.

"Where did daddy leave off?" she asked.

"Twenty" I answered.

"Very good, then we'll start at twenty-one."

Mom took me over her lap in much the same way dad did. Mom's smacks weren't as hard as dad's, but the cumulative effect made them sting more. Tears came quickly and as much as I tried to hold back, I couldn't resist crying out once again. I again somehow managed to keep count. Mom stopped when I reached 40.

I knew that this was going to be my base for the day. The rest of my spankings today would be run off of that base, notwithstanding what I would find on the Easter Egg hunt which would take place later that morning.

But I knew that we had to have breakfast first, and then it was straight off to church for our Easter service.

Breakfast was a very quiet affair for Jessica and I. We sat in silence while we ate pancakes and drank milk. Mary was chatting happily that she was going off to a voluntaras hunt somewhere else with her friends. They would get eggs with chocolate and credit chips inside.

Jessica and mine eggs would have chips in them too, except ours were modifier chips for our base spankings. I knew that eggs were weighted towards reducing the spankings. I also knew that there were special eggs too! These red chips contained modifiers like one-half smacks, one-quarter, or even no spankings at all. Of course, there were double smacks eggs around, as well as triple smacks.

Breakfast was over all too soon, and that meant it was time for church. Mary left to go to her friends house, we would not see her for the rest of the day.

The church service was uneventful. I paid attention like a good little boy and didn't crack any jokes. After church we took a short drive to Thompson Park, where the hard-time penitatas had their Easter egg hunt.

Jessica and I broke up and started searching for the prized eggs. Being a small boy I could fit into places that older children couldn't. Of course, that also meant that I couldn't get the eggs that were up in trees. While the hunt was going on I saw a fight break out between two older boys. The officials broke them up and declared that they would both get an automatic triple-swat penalty. They were led away in tears by their parents.

When time was called I had only found three eggs. I found Jessica and we waited in line together. I looked in her basket and noticed that she had four eggs.

When it came our turn, I let Jessica go ahead of me (ladies first). The official opened her eggs and inserted the chips into the reader one at a time. The display screen lit up the result of each egg. A total appeared at the bottom, indicating that she had reduced her base of 48 by 11 smacks. "That's a lot better than I did last year" she told me.

Now it was my turn. I handed the official my eggs and he repeated the procedure. My first egg contained a red chip, a special chip. The official inserted it into the reader and 'underwear allowed' was displayed on the screen. I would be getting my spankings over my underwear instead of bare-bottomed!

The official continued with my last two eggs. My final tally came up as a plus three. Not too bad I thought, it could be a lot worse. And at least I would get my 43 smacks over my underwear, unlike all the other kids in the park that afternoon.

Jessica and I took our receipts and started to look for our parents so we could get the spankings over with. We found them sitting on lawn chairs under a large tree.

"Lets see what you two got today" mom said as she examined our hunt results. "Very good Jessica, down to 37 smacks, a lot better than last year. Remember you went from 42 up to 55 smacks last year?"

I saw Jessica wince at her painful memory. Mom started looking at my receipt. "Now, how did Sethie do? Well, that's not too bad there. You went up slightly, but you got the underwear egg so you'll get some protection."

Personally, I didn't know what to think about my find. I was thankful I'd get to retain my underwear for modesty, but I knew they wouldn't provide much protection. I would give up my underwear for Jessica's minus 11 total, but I knew it wouldn't happen.

Dad activated his camera while mom tugged down my pants and drew me across her lap. My spanking started with firecracker like sounds and paddle like pain. Even over my underwear it hurt a lot more than anything I'd recently had. This was a special punishment day; all spankings would be delivered full force and no mercy.

Mom was giving me the spanking very slowly. I was only getting one smack every 10 or so seconds. Because of the extended time between smacks I was howling and crying a lot more than usual. Mom waited until the sting of a smack was just reaching its peak before giving me another.

I lay across her lap a helpless little boy, taking my smacks. I knew it didn't matter that I was carrying on like a baby, every other child in the park was doing the same thing. I was convulsed with sobs and a puddle of tears had formed at mom's feet.

When mom finished giving me my 43 smacks I was in a total mass of pain. I'd been over mom's lap for about 10 minutes and my bottom stung something fierce. I was shocked when I realized that mom had spanked me with my blue plastic hairbrush instead of a paddle like I thought.

Mom allowed me to pull my pants up after trying to rub the sting out of my bottom while she pulled Jessica close and placed her daughter across her lap. I watched through my tears as mom lifted Jessica's dress to her panties, which were then promptly removed.

Mom raised Jessica's ivory brush and brought it down very quickly across my sister's rump, snapping her wrist just at the right moment to cause maximum sting. Mom held the brush against Jessica's bottom after the smack. There was a 10-second pause and mom repeated the procedure.

I'd calmed down and continued watching Jessica's spanking. She was squirming and crying like I had done, like every child was doing in the park that morning. Jessica's crying quickly turned to sobs as mom finished the spanking.

Jessica was allowed up and quickly retrieved her panties and pulled them up under her dress. Mom hugged us together to comfort us. I enjoyed the feeling of closeness and held on to both of them tightly for a minute. We broke apart just as lunch was being announced.

Lunch was a pretty strange affair that day. Dozens of children sitting quietly, sniffling and crying as their sore bottoms were placed on hard wooden benches. The hotdogs weren't too bad and I enjoyed the chips served with them.

Normally, a large group of children would be laughing a joking over their meal. Today though, all that could be heard was the quiet munching of food. The occasional child could be heard asking for mustard or something else for their food, but that was it.

After the big picnic lunch we all broke up and made the journey home. Mom and dad talked to each other while Jessica and I sat on our sore bottoms sulking. We both knew that our second spanking of the day would happen when we got home.

It was a nice Sunday afternoon and dad thought that it would be nice if we took a short drive into the country. Normally I liked to travel in the car, but I was very uncomfortable and just wanted to get my second spanking over with so I could lay on my tummy for my afternoon nap.

After driving around for about 30 minutes we returned home where Jessica and I were ordered up to the corner in our bedrooms to await our doom. We quietly and very slowly climbed the stairs and went into our bedrooms.

I closed my door and minced over to the corner that was designated for time-out. I hated corner time, it was very boring and I felt very lonely. At least when I was being spanked I was with someone. I always hated being alone, and the solitude of the corner was often worse (in my mind) than the spanking.

After a while I could hear the unmistakable sounds of a spanking coming from Jessica's room. The loud slapping and Jessica's wailing told me that she was getting it good. I started to cry a little. I knew that in a few minutes I would be the one feeling the slaps and doing the wailing.

All too soon the sounds stopped and after several minutes I could hear my parents leave Jessica's room. My door opened and my parents walked into my bedroom. Mom was holding the camera and dad was holding a paddle. "This is your Easter present from us Seth" dad said as he showed me the paddle.

It was slightly bigger than a mother's helper paddle and thicker too. It was made of a light brown wood and had a picture of me crying over mom's knees in the middle. My bottom in the picture was very red; I didn't remember the spanking being depicted. I thanked my parents politely for the 'present'.

"I think it's time we tried it out" dad said.

Dad sat on the bed and pulled my pants off. I climbed over his lap when he told me to. I felt him reposition me so I was more fully supported. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and clinched my bum tightly while waiting for the smack.

Someone tickled my foot and I giggled a bit. That's when the paddle took me by surprise. The second smack landed before I had a chance to react to the first. My new paddle burned deeper than a mother's helper, and it also hurt more than my blue plastic hairbrush.

I finally let out a scream and tears came just as the third smack rained down on my defenceless bottom. The sting quickly grew to excruciating levels. I begged to be let off, crying that I'd learned my lesson and that I would be good forever, if he just stopped.

It didn't work. The spanking went on and on, seemingly forever. I felt my will to fight slipping away from me. My first special punishment day was making the intended impression on me. I really regretted my criminal actions, wishing I'd never learned to slice.

My spanking had finally ended and dad stood me up on my shaky legs. I got a comforting hug to calm me down while mom continued filming. When I reached coherency my daddy started to give me a little lecture while dressing me for my nap.

I was tired from my morning ordeal and just wanted some rest. I quickly got into my bed when told to and lay on my tummy. Mom and dad each gave me a hug and kiss after tucking me in. My heavy curtains were closed and my parents left the room.

My bottom was very sore, and under normal circumstances I would have trouble sleeping. Today though, I was completely exhausted and that overrode the pain in my behind. I fell asleep in nearly record time.


I awoke to mom gently shaking my shoulder. Dad was standing next to her. The inevitable camera was floating next to them, recording the event. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked dad. He was holding a stick about half a metre long; it appeared to switch from a tree.

"I'm afraid it's time for your final switching there Seth" mom said. She had a grim look on her face and I sensed that she really didn't want to go through with this.

I got up out of my bed when told to. Mom removed my pyjama pants while dad spoke to me. "Seth, you are going to get 43 good licks with this peach switch. Now because this is a light switch by special day comparisons you will have to remain in position for your entire switching. And of course, you will receive five swats with the paddle each time you fail to remain in position. Do you understand?"

I was really scared. I knew that the switching was supposed to be the hardest part of my day and I didn't think that I could stay in position for the entire set. "Yes, I know" I sobbed. "At least I get to keep my underwear on."

Mom put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "That won't help you very much Seth. I just want you to know that we love you and that we are doing this because we have to."

Mom had pulled out the small chair from my desk and placed it in the middle of the room. Without being told to I leaned over the back of the chair and placed my hands on the seat, ready for my licks.

Without warning I felt a swarm of bees attack my bum. I cried out in agony and kicked my legs.

"Hold on to the seat Seth, I know you can do it!" Mom was trying to encourage me.

I felt the second cut come from the switch. I threw my head back and let out a mighty howl. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and my nose started running. Mom was stroking my hair.

The third stroke caught me right at the base of my bum. I gripped the sides of the seat for dear life and hopped up and down.

After the fourth swat I was in haze of pain. I couldn't' hear what mom and dad were saying to me. I just took my licking and jumped and danced around. I tried to keep my hands on the seat but I just couldn't. I know I failed a couple times but I wasn't counting.

A cut across my thighs snapped me back into reality. At some point I heard mom saying "that's thirty baby, come on."

My whole body was racked with sobs and at some point I lost control of my bladder and wet myself. I was unable to concentrate on anything but my punishment. I sincerely regretted my crime. All my thoughts lost their coherency and all I could do was cry.

"Two more" mom said as another explosion of pain hit my thighs. I realized that dad was switching my thighs, probably because my bum was too welted. I wondered how he could tell through my underwear.

I could feel myself getting sick to my stomach. Easter was not supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be fun, with chocolate and playing with relatives. From somewhere I heard "just one left".

I don't remember feeling the last swat. All I do remember is collapsing to the floor sobbing when mom announced that my spanking was over. I have no idea how many times I let go of the seat. I knew I was getting penalty swats but I didn't care. I knew I wouldn't have stay in position for them, something I was very thankful for.

Mom gently picked me up off the floor and laid me on my bed, on my tummy. She and dad rubbed my back and hair and calmed me down. I filled my pillow with giant tears and snot from my nose. After many minutes very hard crying I brought myself under control enough to talk and listen.

I looked at mom and could see that she had been crying too. "I'm sorry we had to do this Seth" mom said. "Your father and I wanted you to settle more into your sentence before a special day, but you know the rules as well as we do."

I nodded in understanding and my parents continued stroking and rubbing my body. I started to feel good just as dad told me that I had 15 penalty swats for letting go of the seat three times.

I cried again as dad tightly held on to my hands. Mom got my new paddle from my dresser and stood over me.

She spanked me hard like dad did after lunch, but the swats were very fast. The spanking didn't even last 30 seconds, but it was enough to rekindle the flames in my backside. Once again my parents comforted me, this time holding me between them.

Mom helped me to my feet and into the bathroom. I was a mess from the crying and when my bladder had let go. Mom started to run the bath as she peeled my shirt from my sweaty body. The small tub filled quickly and mom motioned me to get in.

I knelt in the warm water because my bottom was very sore. Mom gently washed my body with a washcloth. The tenderness was very comforting and I quickly became relaxed. She left my bum until last. She had me stand up and lightly dabbed at the welts, cleaning them.

Mom drained the tub and wrapped me in a towel to dry me off. I watched as the water drained away, taking my pain of today with it. The water level slowly decreased until the final swirl of water disappeared.

Mom waved her hand in front of my face. "Where were you just a second ago?" mom asked.

"I was thinking how a bath always relaxes me, and that water seems to wash away my troubles and worries and pain."

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yes mom, thank-you." I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. That simple act seemed to make everything okay.

Mom finished drying me off and took me into my room. She dressed me in a diaper and light pyjamas. I got in bed and lay on my tummy as mom tucked me in.

"I love you Seth, you go to sleep now and when you wake up in the morning I will give you some nano-lotion."

And when I awoke in the morning that's what she did.
