Rogue's Weyr : "the Weyr is where the dragon is" -Brekke Rider of Gold Wirenth, Southern Weyr

Background: This story is set in the 28th century. Rejuvenation is common, and is used not only to extend life but as a punishment for criminal behavior. Melody is a fifty year old woman who was convicted of embezzlement. She was sentenced to three cycles from 6 to 12 years old. Like all convicted criminals, she is spending her first cycle(s) in the custody of 'spanko' parents, who are authorized, even encouraged to spank her as often as possible, AS WELL AS often as she deserves...

Note: This story contains the NC spanking of a (physically) 12 year old girl. If you are under 18 or offended by such material DON'T READ IT AND GO AWAY!!!

Note: Everybody seems to want to read this one, so I finally gave in and wrote it...
   — Lurking Dragon

The Hearing

Tues. Oct 21, 2753

Part 61 of Melody's Stories

Melody awoke before the alarm went off—if she'd actually slept at all, which was far from certain. For one thing, today was a Special Punishment Day, her birthday. And while Melody's special day punishments were now considerably less severe than before she'd earned her Gold Star, she knew that she was in for plenty of burning bare-bottomed spanking today...

Though not as much as usual. After all, her birthday party had been held last Saturday, since she was to see the Judge at eleven to determine if she would spend the next six years as a Hard-Timer (very unlikely, even a nervous Melody had to admit), as a Soft-Timer (which might even be worse, since it would mean having to leave her little sister Ellen and the Johnsons — they were Hard Time parents, not the professional counsellors who handled Soft-Timers). Or, possibly, maybe, being released as a Completas on parole, to grow up again, and become an adult — though Melody personally felt that that was just expecting too much...

And it would also mean leaving Ellen and her parents — whom Melody had come to love as much as she did her real mother, now living on distant Rivendell....

So Melody was feeling very mixed up when her alarm finally went off, followed almost instantly by the entrance of Mary Johnson into Mel's bedroom, followed by a still-sleepy Ellen, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, but eager to participate...

Her mother pulled out the straight-backed chair from under Mel's desk, and seated herself on the hard wooden seat...and summoned her Penitatas daughter over to her with one wiggling finger....

It was still Melody's birthday, and until her hearing, she would still be getting her regular birthday-spankings. And so the little girl slipped out from under the covers and walked gingerly over to her Mommy.

And she still was a LITTLE girl. Due to the Fujikawa treatment, Melody was less than 1 1/4 meters tall, more the size and build of a nine-year-old than a big girl of when her Mommy pulled her birthday girl across her lap (before Ellen's intensly interested gaze), Melody still fit comfortably in the traditional spanking position — and her little hands and feet still dangled well above the floor, leaving her bent over and feeling terribly vulnerable — particularly her upthrust little bottom, defended only by a terribly thin pair of baby blue pajama pants (and no panties...)

Melody had already had a complete set of spankings at her birthday party Saturday...

* * *

It was a wonderful party, for the most part. It was also a surprisingly small party, with only 5 kids attending...Ellen, of course, and Johnny Devine, and Mari Styles, who had come over from Assville with Johnny, and two kids from Melody's sixth-grade class...but that was because, for the last couple of years, Melody had been attending a school in a Kindern-rated neighborhood, in their new home of Jacobston — almost 150 kilometers from Assville. So her classes were a LOT smaller, and mostly made up of Voluntaras, with the occasional Medicalos, now that she was getting up to the 'normal' age of rejuvenation, of ten or eleven...and Josh and Mary were very particular about the kids invited, since they knew that most, even though they knew about Penitatas, might not be prepared for the reality of a Penitatas-style birthday...

The other guests were Peter Lawson, a young lad who had only recently completed his first rejuvenation (from the age of 102), a friend of Johnny's from the fleet and Ashley Parker, a Medicalos who's emergency rejuvenation (following a car wreck) had taken her back to nine three years earlier (the portable emergency rejuvenation machines could not approach the 'puberty barrier' as closely as the larger, more sophisticated permanent installations).

The other great surprise, (for Melody), was the location of the party. It was held in a private home, Peter's home, in fact. His home in the sense that he owned it, though his Association of Professional Parents-rated mother and father were, of course, in control of the household during his minority. Peter had been very well off, and had a large, comfortable home...

with an indoor pool!!

Which was how they'd managed to give Melody a pool party for her very last birthday party — in October!!

And so all the kids were swimming and enjoying themselves (and obeying the rules, except for Ellen, who got a few swats over the seat of her one-piece for running by the pool) for most of the afternoon, until it was time for ice cream and cake, and to open Melody's presents.

To Melody's surprised shock, each and every one of her gifts was one appropriate to a twelve-year-old. NOT a six-year-old!! All of her friends were, silently, declaring that THEY thought that Melody would be accorded the rare honor of being paroled into Completas status directly from being a hard-timer, something almost never done...

Finally, it was time to decide which guest would be giving Melody her birthday spanking with the bottoms of her swimsuit down, instead of up. Since NONE of the guests were Penitatas, Peter and Mari would be giving Melody DOUBLE swats across the seat of her swimsuit — unless they won the contest!!

While Ellen, Johhny, and Ashley would be giving Melody TRIPLE swats — again, except for the lucky winner...

This time, however, they would NOT be playing pin the paddle... to Ellen's disappointment — after all, that was a 'little kids' game.

Nope — this selection would be pure random — high card draw.

Except that the Voluntaras got to draw twice — and the Medicalos three times!! (And Melody once...)

Peter drew a Jack and Three of Spades.

Mari managed a Jack of Hearts — and a Queen of Clubs...

Ellen drew the Five of Hearts, the King of Diamonds, and the Seven Spades...

Johnny drew the Four, Seven, and ACE of Diamonds!!

Ashley drew a King of Clubs, Seven of Hearts, and Two of Spades...

Melody almost squealed in relief — it would be her dear Johnny who'd be paddling her bare bottom... if she couldn't out-draw him. Which would require either the Ace of Hearts of the Ace of Spades, in one draw — not likely. And then she winced, since she knew all-too-well that Johnny Devine could spank HARD!!

Melody drew a five of diamonds — the lowest card yet. It would be Johnny Devine who spanked her bare bottom...

(Author's note: I actually drew cards for each character, as described, because I wanted somebody ELSE to win, other than J.D..... but guess what happened!!)

While, technically, Melody's real birthday wasn't until Tuesday, her Mommy had given Mel a good, sound hairbrush-spanking just before they'd left for the party—just so her little seat would be properly tender and rosy for her birthday spankings...

All the kids unanimously ordered Melody to go wade in the pool for a moment before her first spanking — just to make sure her bottom and swimsuit were nice and wet... and then Peter (with the lowest high card) seated himself on the wooden bench near the pool and had Melody lie down over the boy's eleven-year-old lap...

Double swats meant that the boy's hand smacked down two dozen times — plus two more to grow on!!

By the end of the swatting, Melody was sniffling a bit, trying to be brave about the whole thing... but Mari was already replacing Peter on the bench, and waving Melody over her own lap...

Again, twenty-six handswats stung the seat of Mel's suit bottoms — and now actual tears were running down her face—her fanny was beginning to really STING, and her little swimsuit was no protection at all...

In fact, since the wet suit was keeping her bottom damp, it was probably worse than bare-bottom!!

Ashley was next, since Ellen's King of Diamonds was higher than her King of Clubs. And Ashley was a bit older and larger than Melody, and worse, she was a Medicalos...

Which meant that the girl was entitled to apply triple swats — three dozen sharp handspanks onto Melody's rapidly reddening behind...

plus THREE to grow on...

After those final, hard spanks, Melody was finally, clearly crying. But now, it seemed, she was in for some relief—after all, her little sister Ellen was next. And Ellen was only six—how hard could she spank? Well, the answer was, not too hard—but she sent Melody back into the pool to get her bottom nice and damp before seating herself on the bench... and over a freshly-wetted bottom, her hand stung quite enough!!

Finally, it was the moment Melody had both dreaded and desired. It was Johnny's turn. As the winner of the Birthday Contest, Johnny got to apply an extra set of birthday spanks...FOUR dozen, plus FOUR to grow on, or fifty-two spanks!!

And he got to use whatever implement he wanted to — and the lad was holding Melody's own red maple hairbrush, which had been so thoroughly warming her bare bottom for almost six years!!

And he got to paddle her on her bare bottom!!

Melody had hoped that Johnny would take her over his lap before pulling down her swimsuit — but the eleven year old made her stand in front of him, in full view of both her Mommy and the other kids, with her hands behind her head, while he slooooowly tugged her bottoms right down to her ankles.

THEN he let Melody lie down over his thin lap — with a cushion under her hips to lift them up a bit for the hairbrush.

Then Melody broke out into tears as Johnny carefully dried off her little red bottom with a beach towel — which would (slightly) reduce the sting of his swats, but more importantly, would help prevent the boy's good, sound spanking from raising blisters on Melody's tender seat...

It was a good thing he had, because Johnny really spanked Melody. He knew that this was, probably, one of her last really sound Penitatas spankings. He also knew that, once she became a Completas (and he was sure she would), he might not see her for months, or even years, since she would certainly be placed with a different family...

And so Johnny Devine decided that this would just have to be a spanking that Melody would remember for a long time...

She would.

Finally, it was time to leave. Since the neighborhood was Kindern-rated, Melody couldn't be sent home bare-bottomed, as she normally would, and she was even allowed to put on her cover-up, to conceal her red and aching thighs...

Until she got home — when her bottoms came off, and Melody spent the next half-hour before dinner seated on the family Corner-Stool...

* * *

With a sigh, Melody bent over her Mommy's lap for her final Penitatas- style birthday spanking (she hoped!), and clasped her little hands in front of her. <SMACK!> went Mommy's hand, as it had for each of her past five birthdays. And Melody was soon sobbing as her stern Mommy gave her her baker's dozen crisp spanks.

By now, Ellen was up, in her little Fairy Jenny nightie, waiting eagerly for Mommy to finish Melody's first dose....

"All right, Ellen — your turn, now.." instructed Mary — and Melody promptly got another thirteen swats, eagerly and rapidly applied by her mischievous little sister!!

Now Mama was reaching for the waistband of Melody's pajamas. About the only 'break' Mel got on her birthday spankings, at least the morning spankings, was that Mama let her wear her pajamas — without panties. That elliminated one round of birthday spanks....the mildest set.

On the other hand, Ellen got to participate, which increaed the number of sets substantially. Of course, when she was only three or four, Ellen's chastitory contribution was minimal — but last year, at five, Melody had learned that her 'baby' sister's palm was becoming something to be wary of...

But now, bottom bare, Melody was again 'yeowching' under the VERY hard handspanks of her Mommy... and by the time Ellen had contributed her share to Mel's bottom, the child was actually sobbing gently...

The Ellen fetched the small Mother's Helper paddle from where it lay on Melody's dresser...

Thirteen HARD licks with the little paddle, and then thirteen more handspanks from Ellen's eager palm, and Melody was out-and-out crying...

Hairbrush and paddle followed, accompanied by Ellen's matching hand- spanks, leaving Melody's poor, bare bottom a blazing red ball of agony. No blisters, though—her parents had carefully avoided blistering Melody's bottom, even during her 'Special Punishment Days', ever since she'd been awarded her Gold Star. She still got really good, sound spankings...but no blisters.

Crying and sobbing, Melody was planted firmly onto her desk chair, facing the corner, until it was time to leave for the courthouse...

* * *

Melody carefully dressed in her best school uniform, her Gold Star properly, and prominently, pinned to the breast....hey, it couldn't hurt!!...

When they got to the courthouse, Josh and Mary (and Ellen, who had accompanied them) walked up to the bailiff to ask which courtroom would be handling Melody's hearing. As the man looked up the Judge assigned to the case, Johnny Devine and his father came up to meet them. Mr. Carlos had gotten Johnny out of school for the hearing... since the boy had insisted in being allowed to testify on Melody's behalf, on her character, and how she'd changed over the last few years...

"Here it is, people. Judge Flagston's court, number 433... fourth floor and to your right..."

Melody's heart fell around her feet, as she turned pale. Judge Flagston!! Better known as Judge Flog'em, he was one of the hardest, and harshest judges on the bench!!

He was the judge who gave Judy Harvey a Penitatas sentence, even though she'd only been nineteen — and a juvenile — when she'd sliced her way into a city database on a dare!!

Melody's head sagged — no Completas judgement for HER, not with Flog'em on the case. She'd be lucky to be made a soft-timer, even!! And after she was reduced to a little baby six-year-old, how could a big boy like Johnny Devine ever even LOOK at her again, much less be the friend and companion he had been. She'd just be a BABY compared to him...

Of course, that MIGHT let her stay with the Johnsons and Ellen...

* * *

Several people testified at the hearing — far more than usual. Principal Garret. Johnny Devine. Her parents. Even the Millers, though that was by holoconference. All through the hearing, Judge Flog'em sat stony-faced.

Finally it was over.

"I will now render my judgement. Melody Johnson, please rise."

Melody stood up. Shakily.

"Melody, your behavior has been exemplary. You have even been awarded the Confederation Good Citizen Award, the so-called Gold Star. There is no reason, whatsoever, not to allow you to continue your correction, but this time as a Soft-Time Penitatas, to give you the counselling and more gentle behavior modification that status would afford...."

The judge looked over as a murmur swept the crowd. "I know what many of you expected... that I would parole Melody to Completas status. I have been on the bench, through three cycles, for a total of one hundred and thirty-two years, and I have NEVER paroled a hard-timer to a Completas; indeed, I have rarely let a Penitatas go to soft time after only one cycle of real punishment..."

"Until now, that is!!" Judge Flagston broke into a broad smile (for a moment, Melody thought his face would crack open...)

Melody, I AM going to make you a Completas. But, I have to warn you, there will be some substantial restrictions!!"

Melody shoved down the tremendous leap of joy in her heart... 'substantial restrictions' didn't sound too good...

"Melody, clearly, there is good reason to allow you to grow up to adulthood. But I am still concerned that moving from the strict discipline of a hard-time Penitatas directly to the far more liberal norms of a Completas might be too much freedom too fast. Most children have at least one cycle of strict, but far less severe discipline as a soft-timer before doing so. Therefore, while you WILL be a Completas, and you will NOT be rejuved, I am ordering your parents to continue to treat you as a Penitatas, to only slowly reduce the level of discipline, to continue to apply the sound spankings that have had such a profound influence on your behavior. They should only slowly change over to non-corporal discipline, groundings and so forth. And, young lady, I expect them to remain quite strict with you until you are of age!! You will even continue to receive occasional 'Just Because' spankings, at least for the next year or so, although the frequency and severity will be reduced... Are you agreeable to these conditions? It will mean considerably stricter discipline, and far more sound spankings, in the short term than becoming a soft-timer..."

"Sir, you, you said my parents should continue to treat me as a Penitatas. D-does that mean, I mean, can I stay with..."

"Oh, yes, Melody. That is another requirement. The Johnsons have done such a wonderful job of reforming you, I think it would be best to allow them to continue to be your parents..."

Melody almost fainted as all her dreams came true...."That would be WONDERFUL, your honor!! Thank you!! I-I really LOVE them and I dreaded having to leave them!!"

Judge Flagston smiled again "So your counsellors informed me. But, remember Melody, even though you'll be a Completas, for at least the next few years you'll still be getting spanked like a Penitatas... EXCEPT, I need to add, for Special Punishment Days. Those are for Penitatas, Melody — so you will NOT be receiving any more Special punishments. Including, I might add, your evening Birthday Spanks..."

"Case Closed!!" he declared.

"All Rise" intoned the Bailiff...

Shortly thereafter, in a small room on the third floor, Melody inserted her hands, for the third time, into the small metal device...

The first time, her hands had come out wearing the filled-in 'P's of a hard-time Penitatas.

The second time, they had emerged with the Gold Star embossed around the 'P'.

This time, the Gold Star remained (it would be left on Melody's hands until she turned twenty-one (physically)). But the filled-in 'P's of a hard-time Penitatas were replaced by the silver 'C' of a Completas.

And Melody's long Penitatas nightmare had come to an end!!
