The New Student
Chapter 10 of Penitatas Diana
It had been three months since school started for little Di and the rest of her classmates. It was now Monday morning at school, first period was just about to get started like usual, but Mrs. Kapsis wasn’t in the room yet.
The whole class waited for the teacher in silence. Mary was making sure that everyone behaved.
Mary, the former officer had been chosen by Mrs. Kapsis as the class representative after the first day of school. While usually the charge of class representative was given to a Voluntaras (if there was any at the class), or a Soft time penitatas, Mary had shown that she was the most responsible person in the whole group, and so was appointed as the class representative by Mrs. Kapsis.
This Monday morning was no different from any other, everyone was seated at their spots, everyone had their school supplies out, and everyone was waiting for the class to start. There were two different things this morning, first was that Mrs. Kapsis wasn’t here. While Mrs. Kapsis usually arrived after everyone had been seated, it was usual for her to be in the classroom with time for spare before the bell rang. Today was not the case, in just a few minutes the class was about to start, and Mrs. Kapsis wasn’t here.
The second uncommon thing this morning was the extra desk. The class had eight students, and therefore had eight desks. But there were nine desks in the classroom today. Could it be that there was going to be a new student in the class? While not unheard of, school transfers after the school year had started was VERY rare in penny school.
Finally, right before the bell rang, Mrs. Kapsis walked into the classroom.
“Good morning class.”
“Good morning Mrs. Kapsis.” replied the entire class in unison.
“As you all must have noticed, I was a little late getting here. And you must have also noticed the extra desk we have in the classroom as well.” Mrs. Kapsis began her explanation. “Well, while I know is not common, today we will be having a new student, she was transferred from another school and will be with us for the rest of the school year.” After saying that, Mrs. Kapsis opened the door of the classroom once more, on the other side there were two persons standing.
One was the school principal, the other was a little girl. There were two things about the girl that were unusual. First, a bright orange child harness was fastened on her, and locked on by little padlocks, the leash coming out of the harness was being held by the school’s principal.
Second, what she was wearing was very unusual and revealing, not even a Pennitatas issued Punishment Dress was this revealing or would be that embarrassing for its wearer.
What this pennitatas girl was wearing was something that could be described only as a mixture between a leotard and a school uniform. The thing she was wearing looked like a sleeveless boat neck leotard, it was white with three brown buttons near the neckline (like if it wanted to simulate an actual button up shirt), the school uniform-leotard had frills around each leg opening, giving the impression of a skirt with the school’s tartan, but doing little else. The school’s emblem was sewed right below the three buttons. There was also a tartan ribbon with the school’s colors tied around the girl’s neck, like a choker.
The only normally issued thing this girl was wearing was the socks and the shoes, and even then the socks had frills sewed on them as well.
Everyone in the class moved their attention from the girl to the principal when she addressed the class. “Hello class.”
“Hello Mrs. Dolmayan” greeted the entire class in unison.
“I will just be dropping the new student now. I have explained everything to Mrs. Kapsis and she will be telling you everything you need to know.”
She then handed the leash of the child harness to Mrs. Kapsis, “Good bye class.”
“Good bye Mrs. Dolmayan.” replied the class in unison.
As the door closed, Mrs. Kapsis and the new kid walked to the middle-front of the classroom; right next to the teacher’s desk.
Diana took the time then to take a look at the new girl that was to join them for the rest of the school year, she wondered why she was transferred now, but she was sure that Mrs. Kapsis was going to tell them.
She was a blonde girl, with sapphire blue eyes; her hair was tied with two little ribbons on the sides of her head into two ponytails, a red one on the left ponytail and a white one on the right ponytail.
Her uniform was still what caught everyone’s attention. It was too revealing and Diana could only imagine how embarrassing it would be to wear it, even more embarrassing with that child harness, the type a toddler would wear. Diana also noticed that the school uniform-leotard this girl was wearing was a one piece ensemble, meaning that every time this girl would be getting a bare bottom spanking, she would have to be undressed completely, not giving her even the dignity of wearing clothes while being spanked.
The girl was holding her hands behind her back, so Diana couldn’t tell if she was a soft time or hard time from the P’s, but guessing the way she was wearing and the restrains it was clear that the girl was a hard timer.
Her expression showed that she was both nervous and a little embarrassed, a normal reaction considering how everyone was looking at her, as she gave each student in the classroom a coy glance.
“Okay class, now as you can see, little Jacqueline here is using this child harness, and a different uniform. This will all be explained to you, but first, introductions are in order. Jacqueline, introduce yourself to the class.” said Mrs. Kapsis.
The blonde girl nodded shyly and did so, “I’m Jacqueline Morley, my sentence is 250 times 3 to 7 for multiple charges of murder and infanticide also multiple charges of aggravated assault. I’m to serve my cycles with Y-repression. This is my 25th cycle.” Jacqueline moved her hands so they were now in front of her, now everyone could see her P’s. They were Hard Time P’s of course, with one addition. Each P had one black semi-circle.
“My name was formerly Jack Morley.”
An audible gasp was heard among the class.
The name, the way she was dressed, the harness, the black semi-circle on the P’s of her hands … before them was one of the most “famous” convicted penitatas of the Commonwealth of Humanity!
Jack Morley committed his crimes almost a century ago, and several sociologists, psychologists and criminologists were still studying them. Several books were written as well as documentaries filmed. His trial was also a subject of study, and his early childhood was a subject of research by several psychoanalysis experts as well.
While psychology was not Diana’s area of medical expertise (not to mention that nowadays Rigellians were better qualified psychologists than humans), she still read some books about the subject (mostly books of the Freudian school of psychology), and because of it, she had read a book about Morley’s particular early life, crimes, and conviction.
Jack’s childhood had been complex, his crimes, while simple to understand were complex in their essence, and as such, both the trial and conviction were out of the ordinary as well.
The only child of George and Augusta Morley, Jack was born in a small farmer colony on another planet. The colony was on a plant covered planet called Groen, it had no sentient life when colonization started. Jack’s parents had been one of the first settlers on Groen when the Commonwealth of Humanity started its colonization.
The few facts of Jack’s early life were able to be pieced together by the planet’s official records, and to the testimony he gave to a Rigellian counselor before his trial, which Jack authorized to reveal what he had discovered after reading his mind.
Jack’s father, George Morley, was an alcoholic and he physically abused his son. Jack’s mother, Augusta Morley felt contempt for her husband, but being a fundamentalist Catholic, she continued on with the marriage and never even considered getting a divorce.
Augusta Morley was an anti-social person. She forced the family to move to the outskirts of the town, and didn’t enroll Jack at the colony’s school for kindern, giving him home schooling instead. She did everything possible to keep outsiders to have any influence on her son.
During the home schooling sessions on the Morley household, Jack’s mother often read passages she selected from the Bible, basically every part of the Old Testament that talked about death, divine retribution, murder and such. She never allowed Jack to read from the Bible himself, or read any other book that she did not approve.
Being smaller than the average kids his age, Jack became target to bullies, and to make matters worse, Jack’s mother scolded him whenever he tried to make friends with other kindern.
It was also confirmed by the Rigellian counselor that while Jack said that his mother was never pleased with him no matter how tried on his home schooling lessons or how good he behaved. She often told him that his father was a failure and he would be a failure as well.
Around the time that Jack was 14 years old, his father George started to sexually abuse of his son. Jack learned from his mother that she had actually suggested him to do it, because she refused any sexual advances Jack’s father made on her.
Two years later, the Morley were found dead inside the house by a neighbor, and 16 year old Jack was missing. All the evidence found on the house by the authorities showed that they were killed in their sleep with a knife that was found in their bedroom.
Jack remained missing on Groen, even after all the attempts to find him, and even checking the transport ships that left the planet. It was for naught, as Jack later told the Rigellian counselor, he had left Groen by hiding on a transport ship’s cargo bay that had left the planet on the same night his parents died.
Jack had actually escaped to Earth, it was there were all his following crimes were committed. During his time on Earth, Jack moved from place to place in complete secrecy and always hiding. Smart and resourceful, nobody was able to link the crimes to him until he was eventually captured.
The Rigellian counselor was able to find out that Jack felt a great resentment, even hatred towards his parents, something that was to be expected considering everything that they had done to him.
Jack hated what happened to him, and therefore wanted to prevent anyone else from experiencing it.
His targets varied, but always staid within the same parameters: Serial rapists were his main targets, be them convicted or not. In other words, even if they were convicted as penitatas, Jack found and killed them. Before killing them, Jack would often ram some phallic device of some sort into their rectums.
He considered that the law was faulty, it failed to protect him, and therefore it would fail in either capturing the rapists he killed as adults, or reform the ones he killed as penitatas.
His other targets were parents that did not treat their children well, or abused them in some way. This were rare cases since getting a parenting license on Earth was a lot more difficult than getting a parenting license on a colony that needed to grow in population.
After killing the parents, Jack also killed their children in their sleep in a painless way (like letting the gas valve open, for example). He confessed to the Rigellian counselor (even if he didn’t need to, since the Rigellian could read his mind), that the reason he killed the kindern was that he considered that every child that went trough anything remotely close to what happened to him in his childhood was potentially going to become like him, and wanted to prevent that from happening to them.
He understood that what he was doing was wrong, he knew that killing people was wrong, and so he didn’t want anyone else to share his fate, he considered that he was saving those kindern from becoming infamous murderers like him.
He was finally captured after a police officer actually volunteered to be rejuvenated with Y-rep, and pose as a penitatas that was convicted of sexual assault. When Jack tried to kill his next victim, he was finally arrested. When he noticed the trap to capture him, Jack had tried to take his own life, but was stopped just in time by the police, and arrested on the spot.
At the time of his arrest, Jack was 27 years old, he had murdered 53 people: 26 adults (including his parents), 23 children (penitatas) and 4 kindern. All the penitatas victims had been abused before being killed.
At first, authorities considered that he was not mentally capable of going to trial. After having sessions with a judicial Rigellian counselor, it was determined that he was not insane (His defense attorney wanted to use the insane defense in his trail, and hired a Rigellian counselor himself, but the diagnosis was the same). He was aware of his own actions and he was completely rational, there was no voice in his head telling him to kill people, God didn’t speak to him in a dream telling him that he was some sort of avenger, he killed those people because he wanted to, even if he knew that it was wrong to do so.
He just didn’t trust the judicial system, considered it to be inefficient, and considered that he was not protected when he needed it. Taking justice in his own hands seemed as the best option, even if it meant killing all those people.
His defense was able to put a case together, and used the testimony of what happened during his childhood as a mitigating factor. That was not enough, of course, but it did throw in some factors to consider for his sentence.
Jack’s case was quite complex, and the Judge that was to sentence him didn’t actually gave out his ruling on what the sentence was to be until he talked to different experts on the matter of child abuse, both Rigellians and humans.
It was determined that, even if Jack should receive a Black Circle sentence from assaulting the penitatas children before murdering them, that type of sentence would not result in a correct course of action.
It would not help in Jack’s rehabilitation, but in fact worsen it. Jack was abused by his father as a child, and if the parents that were assigned to him did the same, he would never be able to fully rehabilitate since he would associate his harsh childhood with his new childhood as a penitatas.
But the fact remained that he did commit those sexual assaults on unwilling children (penitatas or not, it didn’t matter). Some sort of special sentence was to be given.
That is how the Half-Circle sentence was made.
The sentence was the following:
He was given 125 cycles, from 3 to 7.
He was to be rejuved with Y-rep treatment for all the cycles of the sentence.
Jack, or Jacqueline as how she was to be referred to from that moment forward was to serve no less than 3/4 of his sentence as Hard Time, he would not qualify for Soft Time unless he showed some progress in his rehabilitation, and he could not qualify for parole, ever.
In order to replace the abuse part of a Black Circle sentence which would not help the purposes of the rehabilitation process, Jacqueline was to be subjected to a very embarrassing dress code for the duration of the Hard Time part of the sentence, which worked in a way that would make Jacqueline feel very embarrassed and exposed, and very aware of his body as a girl, and said humiliation would always be linked to her state of dress, or lack thereof. The psychologists consulted by the judge that issued the sentence considered that this course of action was going to be the one to provide the best results.
The dress code consisted on making Jacqueline be nude in occasions that any other Penitatas would actually be given the dignity of wearing clothes. Also, in some social gatherings, like school, she was to wear custom made, Judicial issued clothing that was as revealing as possible, making Jacqueline feel as embarrassed and self aware as possible.
Another extra on the sentence was the restrains.
Jacqueline was to be restrained ALL the time, even while under the supervision of adults. At no time would Jacqueline be allowed to be unsecured by some sort of restrain or restrains.
As for the spankings to be administered, Jacqueline’s parents in all the cycles she has had so far were always told to administer them as hard as possible, almost with the same amount of force as if they were administered on a special punishment day; if not the same amount of force.
Jacqueline’s judicial assigned spanking implements were always as big and hard as it was allowed for her age. Including the everyday ones, like the personal spanking paddle, or the hairbrush.
For special spanking days, Jacqueline was given the maximum amount possible: Fourth of July, Diaspora, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. And her birthday as well, of course.
To follow Jacqueline’s progress in the rehabilitation, she was to be checked by a judicial appointed Rigellian counselor every now and then. They all knew that the process was going to be slow since Jacqueline distrusted the judicial system to begin with. But it was going to be worth it, she would be shown that the judicial system works, that the penitatas system to deal with criminals worked.
And now, they had Jacqueline Morley being transferred to the class in the middle of the school year!
Diana could hardly believe it, and she guessed that the reaction was the same in the rest of her classmates.
“There was an emergency, and Jacqueline here had to be assigned new parents for the reminder of her current cycle. So now she moved to our town, and will be attending school with us.” finished Mrs. Kapsis. “Okay Jacqueline, take your seat.”
“Yes ma’am.” replied Jacqueline.
Mrs. Kapsis had to actually walk behind her holding the leash to the child harness locked on her. Jacqueline took out her pencil, pen, eraser, ruler and all the other implements from her little backpack, and then sat down.
When she sat down on the chair, Mrs. Kapsis took out a small padlock, and used it to secure the end of the leash of the child harness to the chair. She tugged it once to test that it was safe.
With Jacqueline seated and fastened, Mrs. Kapsis walked back to the front of the class, and the first lesson of the day started.
Classes after that went as they usually went, with the usual boredom that came with the Ethics and Good Behavior class. During all the classes, Jacqueline displayed a good predisposition to learn, and was very cooperative.
Diana guessed that over 80 years as a penitatas would do that, however the last book written about Jacqueline’s sentence; written by the Rigellian counselor that he had during those cycles, and published with the court’s consent, explained that Jacqueline’s rehabilitation was progressing slowly and that she was still not adapting to the system, distrusting it in most ways. Then again, that book was written 30 years ago…
After lunch, recess came for the hard timers, soft timers already had one earlier in the day.
Diana noticed that Jacqueline was also being restrained during recess. A longer strap was attached to the child harness she had on, the strap was long enough for it to reach the sandbox, but not the other games. Something logical, considering that the strap would get caught on the carousel, the slide or the swings, the seesaw might have been safe, but it did present some risk.
Since the sandbox was the only thing she could reach, there’s where she was playing, building a sandcastle.
The sandcastle wasn’t finished yet, but it did look very hard to make, and what was done so far looked very nice. Diana also noticed how every now and then Jacqueline looked longingly at the other penitatas playing around the schoolyard.
Diana knew why Jacqueline was restrained like that, and understood it as well. But she couldn’t help but wonder how being restrained like that all the time must feel.
It was then that Diana made a decision, she remembered the personal promise she had made before, when she saw what her crimes and selfish actions had caused the people she had known. She had sworn that never again would she abandon someone in need of help, no matter what she would do anything in her power to help people. That someone as Jacqueline was transferred not only to her school, but also to her class, was the perfect opportunity to start.
Jacqueline looked lonely, and most penitatas were actually too into their playtime games, or didn’t know how to act out around her. Then she would make the first step, and play with her during recess.
“Diana? Is something wrong? What are you looking at?”
Diana turned again when she heard Mary’s voice, the class representative, along with another of her classmates, Samantha, were playing skip rope. Even if they were all rejuved adults, the Nano Web made them act out as children, which meant that they felt the need to play childish games.
Right now Diana and Mary were holding the rope, while Samatha was doing the jumping. They must have noticed she wasn’t paying attention when she stopped singing ‘Pretty Little Spanked Dutch Girl’ with them (a classic Penitatas skip-the-rope rhyme).
“I’m sorry Mary,” replied Diana, “I was just looking at Jacqueline over at the sandbox. She looks lonely; I was thinking of going over and play with her. Do any of you want to join me?”
“Okay.” Mary replied without a moment to hesitate. “She’s one of our classmates after all.” Diana guessed that since she was the class representative, Mary wanted to make sure that a fellow classmate was alright.
“How about you Samantha? Want to join us?” asked Diana.
Samantha looked uneasy. “Well, hum… I, hum…” then she looked at Diana and Mary. She knew that the class rep would make sure that everything was fine. Thinking that, Samantha got her resolve and gave her agreement, “Okay, yes. Let’s go.”
The three hard time pennies walked over to the sandbox, Jacqueline had their back to them and didn’t see them until they talked to her.
“Hello there, that’s a very nice sandcastle.” commented Diana.
Jacqueline turned her head in surprise as she head the greeting. She saw the three penitatas standing behind her, a red headed girl, a girl with black hair and green eyes, and a brunette with her hair tied in a big ponytail with a big shiny pink ribbon that seemed overly feminine.
The red head and the green eyed girl were smiling, while the girl with the ribbon looked a little uneasy and was standing behind the green eyed girl, as if hiding behind her protectively.
“Hum, thank you.” Replied Jacqueline, she was acting coyly at their presence, not sure what to expect.
“Can we sit down with you?” asked Mary. Jacqueline just nodded her head in answer.
Diana and Mary sat down next to Jacqueline, while Samantha did so across from her.
Being closer, now they could appreciate just how carefully made Jacqueline’s sandcastle was. They never saw anything like it. It was small, but it had every detail done down to the littlest thing.
“Your sandcastle is awesome!” exclaimed Mary.
“How do you do it so well?” asked Di.
Jacqueline actually blushed at the praise from the two girls. “Well… first I take some water from the drinking fountain over there…” Jacqueline pointed at a drinking fountain close to the sandbox. The leash she was tied with was just long enough to reach it. “You have to mix the sand and the water just the right way for it to work. After that, I just start making a pile and give it shape with my hands and some twigs I find lying around the sandbox.”
The other girls just blinked, she made it sound so simple!
“But, how do you do it so well? Did you do it before being rejuved? What about the muscle memory?” asked Diana.
Jacqueline smiled coyly at these questions, “It’s nothing really. I never did this kind of things before being rejuved; I started with this in one of my earlier penitatas cycles. When I started I wasn’t as good, but I had some decades of practice by now. As far as muscle memory goes, I have the… advantage… or starting my cycles when at 3, so by now I had some years of training my muscle memory for this.”
They were surprised to learn this. “You started with this after getting your sentence? What made you do it?” asked Samantha, now more at ease in Jacqueline’s presence.
Jacqueline actually smiled at this and signaled at the leash fastened to her harness. “I can’t move around that much. Playing in the sandbox is basically one of the few things I can do during playtime.”
The girls realized just then that for the last century Jacqueline had been a Penitatas like them, only harsher… wearing an embarrassing school uniform, and being restrained all the time.
“How do you cope with it… I mean, we all get spankings, but how is it like to be on a leash all the time?” asked Diana.
Jacqueline shrugged, “It’s been so long that I kind of got used to it by now… the clothing is still embarrassing… and this uniform is VERY uncomfortable while sitting on the sandbox. The sand gets in some unusual places…” she said this last part with a strong blush in her cheeks.
The three girls noticed then that Jacqueline was kneeling on the sand instead of sitting on her fanny, that way the sand wouldn’t get into the leotard-like uniform.
“Well, it’s worth it. Your sandcastle is great!” Mary quickly changed the subject back to the sandcastle again.
Jacqueline smiled again, “Thanks… this is just a practice castle; a quick thing to do to keep up my skill during recess time. If you think this is nice, you should see the one I was building at my old house. I’m staring to make it again at the sandbox of my new family’s house.”
“Why did you have to change families in the middle of your cycle?” asked Mary.
Jacqueline looked down and it was clear that she was sad all of a sudden.
They all noticed, “I’m sorry, is that something you don’t want to talk about?” apologized Mary.
Jacqueline looked up again, “No… no, it’s not that. It’s just that I’ve never been very good with people… but I want to be! I would like to tell you, if… if you really want to know.”
Diana, Mary and Samantha looked at each other, then looked at Jacqueline again. “Yes, please do.” Replied Diana.
“Okay, this is what happened…”