Another Special Day
Chapter 8 of Penitatas Diana
Today was Yom Kippur, and it was the holiest day in Judaism. Therefore it was also a special Punishment Day for a penitatas, like Diana.
However, during Yom Kippur, like during Sabbath, physical labor was not permitted. So, while little Di was supposed to receive lots of special punishment day spankings today, they were not to come from neither her mommy nor her daddy. Lucas and Ruth were ready to leave for the Synagogue, but they were waiting for someone first.
They had asked a Shabbos goy to take care of Diana’s punishment today. A person that is non Jewish, and assists Jewish individuals by performing the acts that are forbidden by Jewish law on Sabbath. Or in this case Yom Kippur.
Usually, when the parents of a penitatas went out for the night for a party or another type of social gathering, they hired a babysitter from the neighborhood, usually a Completas or a Voluntaras. Or they were left at the house of other couple that also had a license to take care of penny kids. (And some times they were already in charge of a penitatas themselves)
And that was the case today. Usually little Di was left with Lao when her parents left her alone to go out at night, or if Diana needed a spanking on Sabbath. However, Lao was just a twelve years old Medicalos, he did not posses the skill necessary to give Diana the special day spankings, like today.
Therefore, Diana was going to spend the day at the house of another couple that was friends with her parents. They were also licensed to be penny parents, but they did not have a penitatas assigned to them at the moment. Perfect candidates to be their Shabbos goy for this day.
Ruth walked into Diana’s room, the little penitatas was sitting on the bed, with a bag next to her, inside the bag there were some of her clothes that she was to use while not at home.
“Everything is packed up Diana?” asked Ruth.
The six years old penny looked at her mommy, “Yes mommy, two pairs of panties, one pair of pain-ties two pairs of socks, one pair of pants, one shirt and one dress. Just like you told me.” Diana had packed up everything yesterday night, right before going to sleep.
Ruth kept looking at Diana, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Diana looked at the bag and smiled innocently, “Hum, yes mommy… I… I was just going to get it.”
Slowly, as if she didn’t want to, and she didn’t want to, Diana walked over to her nightstand and grabbed her hairbrush, the same hairbrush that had been used so many times on her bottom. She put it in the bag.
Then she grabbed the little stool, placed it next to the wall and jumped on it. That way she was able to reach her Very Own Spanking Paddle, which was hanging from the wall. She put the paddle in the bag too.
Diana was going to close the zipper on the bag when her mommy stopped her.
“Don’t close it yet Diana, put this in the bag as well.” Diana’s eyes opened wide and she felt her heart sink as she saw what her mother was holding.
It was the big paddle with holes that was sent for her at the beginning of the days of atonement. The one that had been applied to her bottom on a daily basis for the last week, blistering her tender behind.
Diana grabbed the blistering paddle with trembling hands. “Mommy… do I really have to?” she asked, even if she knew it was hopeless.
“Yom Kippur is the last of the days for repentance Diana, of course you have. As a penny you have plenty of things to repent to.” Replied Ruth.
Diana sobbed a little as she placed the paddle in the bag, and then closed the zipper.
Just then, they heard the doorbell ringing.
“Oh, those must be the Beckers!” exclaimed Ruth, “Lets go downstairs Diana.”
Diana nodded, grabbed the bag and followed her mommy downstairs.
Luke had already opened the door, and was standing at the living room with the Beckers, Dave and Lauren. “Say good morning to your aunt and Uncle Diana.”
Neither Ruth or Luke were related in any way with Dave or Lauren. Dave and Lauren weren’t even Jewish. They were just close friends and they lived just a couple of blocks away from them. But it was a common practice between penny parents to make their charges call other couples like that, or also grandma and grandpa if they were older.
“Good morning aunt Lauren, good morning Uncle Dave.” Greeted Diana obediently. This was not the first time that Diana had met the Beckers, and certainly not the first time that she had called them aunt and Uncle.
The Beckers were Christians, so there was nothing keeping them from being able to give Diana all the special day punishment spankings she needed and deserved. They were also qualified as penny parents, and since they were good friends with the Wasowskis, they were the best choice to take care of Diana today.
Diana was a little nervous, while Dave and Lauren visited often, she had never actually been spanked by neither of them, nor had she been to their house. She supposed that under other circumstances she would have found this experience a little more fun, after all going to your “aunt and Uncle’s” as a child was a fun experience. But today was a special punishment day for Diana, and she knew that fun was not something she would expect today, what she did expect was spankings, lots and lots of them.
Diana was already aware that both her parents had talked with the Beckers the day before, explaining just what she was supposed to be getting during this special punishment day. Plus, the Beckers had a Parental Penitatas license, and knew very well how to take care of a Penny on a special day.
After saying goodbye to her parents, Diana walked out of the house with the Beckers. She handed her bag to her “Uncle” Dave who placed it in the trunk of his hover car. Then the three entered the hover car and drove off to the Becker’s house. It didn’t take long; they lived just a few blocks away.
Five minutes later, they were getting off the hover car and into the house.
Diana noticed that the Becker’s house was very similar to her parent’s house.
The first thing Lauren did when they entered the house was grab Diana’s Very Own Spanking Paddle from Diana’s bag. “Okay Diana, you know that today is a Special Punishment Day for you, so we are going to be administering you spankings today. I expect you to take them as an obedient penitatas.”
Diana nodded, as she looked down and fidgeting with the front of her white skirt. “Yes Aunty Lauren.”
“Good, now please bend over the couch’s arm.” Said Lauren as she pointed at the nearby couch, “Your parents told us everything you were supposed to do today, and we will follow the instructions to the letter. We’ll give you now your first spanking of the day.”
Diana’s sobbing turned into open crying when she heard that, she knew that she was going to get plenty of spankings today, but still knowing it didn’t make it any easier to take. She climbed over the couch’s arm and bent down, her little legs didn’t touch the floor and dangled down at the side of the couch. In this position her little fanny presented a perfectly spankable target.
Diana proceeded to lift up Diana’s skirt and lowered her panties down to her knees. “Also, your spankings will all be given on the bare.”
And without further ado, the first spank landed on Diana’s behind. SMACK!
“Sob, Ow!” WHACK! “Owwww!” SPANK! “OWWWW!” SWAT!
For each spanking session on Yom Kippur, a penitatas was supposed to get double the amount of spankings that they received on the spanking sessions of Rosh Hashanah. So Diana received 30 swats on her bare bottom with the paddle before she was allowed to get up.
Lauren waited a few minutes for Diana to calm down and her crying to drop to a constant sobbing. “Okay Diana, now what do you say?”
“*Sob* Thank you for spanking me Aunty Lauren, it was just what I needed. *Sob*” Replied Diana.
“Very good, and?”
“*Sob* And I’m really sorry for my crimes, I’ll never do it again. *Sob Sob*”
Then Dave walked into the room, he had taken Diana’s bag to the spare bedroom of the household. “All her things are unpacked.”
“Just in time,” Lauren replied smiling, “Diana just finished her first spankings, but being Yom Kippur she has another one right after.”
Diana cried and nodded, still with tears in her eyes. She only had a short while to rest from the spanking she just received.
Lauren had just spanked her, but now it was Dave’s turn. He sat down on the couch where Diana had been positioned just a moment ago, as Lauren handed him the paddle.
“Okay Diana, come here.” He said, patting his lap.
“*Sob* Yes.” Diana sobbed. She again walked over to the couch, and crawled over his lap. Her skirt and panties were already moved by Lauren from her previous spankings, so Dave didn’t waste any more time and administered another set of 30 sound spankings on Diana’s bottom with the paddle.
Diana’s cries reached new heights with each spank on her bottom. It seemed like forever until Dave finished administering the last of the 30 spanks. When it was over she again had to stand up as her panties were raised and skirt was lowered.
When the last of the 30 spanks was given, Diana tought that she wasn’t going to be able to sit down for the rest of her life. In just a short while she had just received 60 full force, special punishment day swats with a paddle. And she knew that there were more to come during the day.
“Okay Diana,” said Lauren, “You’ll get another set of spankings in exactly two hours, and then you’ll receive spakings every 2 hours after that.”
Diana cried louder. She knew that, but knowing it didn’t make it any easier to hear it. And even worse, to expect it.
After lunch, Diana had received two more sets of 60 swats on her bottom, and was getting ready for the first special activity (besides getting spanked) of this special punishment day.
For this second half of the day, Diana was to wear her pain-ties instead of her regular cotton panties. So, right after lunch, Lauren removed Diana’s panties and placed her pain-ties on the penny’s red and sore bottom.
Also, there was a special activity that would determine how many spankings she would receive on each new session for this half of the day.
Diana was sitting at the table, on a non-padded, hard wooden chair, on her well spanked bottom, wearing pain-ties. She was doing her best to stay still, but she was unable to stop fidgeting once in a while when on of the pain-ties biters struck her bottom. Diana gave a quick yelp every time one of the biters on the pain-ties struck her red read end.
Then, Lauren walked in holding 20th century writing implements. A penny-pen and several pieces of paper, she placed them on the table in front of little Di.
“Okay Diana, its time for the lines. The sentence you are to write is: ‘Good girls keep they oaths and never discriminate others for their differences.’ Write it once… there you go.”
Diana used the penny-pen to write down the sentence she was supposed to write over and over neatly, in her best handwriting possible. Since she was still practicing at school for her muscle memory, this was a hard task indeed.
And even more with a penny-pen.

A penny-pen was a writing implement built especially for the use of penitatas by the board of corrections (Diana noted the seal of the board of corrections printed on the side of the penny-pen). It was usually used at schools for when a penitatas was given the extra punishment of writing lines along with the spankings.
Since part of her punishment today was to write lines, the board of corrections had sent one to Diana’s parents, which had arrived on the mail yesterday, and Lucas had given it to Dave when the Beckers had come to pick up little Di that morning.
A penny-pen was basically a fountain pen (yes, the same type of pens used in the 20th century before the invention of the ballpoint pen). By itself, writing using those old fountain pens was a hard task, if you weren’t careful then everything got smeared. But with a penny-pen it was even harder! The reason was that the penny-pen was designed to be even harder to use than the old fountain pens, so it was much easier for it to smear.
In a nutshell, the penny-pen made the quality of the user’s handwriting (or lack of quality) much more obvious to the observer.
Diana wrote down the assigned sentence on the first line space of the first sheet of paper. The one labeled “0”, the next one was 1, then 2, then 3 and so on. Each sheet of paper had 50 lines on it, each one numbered.
Diana knew what she was supposed to do now, and she hated it. She hated doing the repetitious chore. She hated having the sit still on her sore bottom. She hated the fact that her hand would be getting cramped and sore on the first few lines – and even worse, she hated that she had to bare it because she had a time limit!
“Okay Diana, the two hours of lines starts now. Start!” Said Lauren as she started a computer stopwatch.
It worked as follows. A penitatas had two hours to write down as many lines as he or she could of the assigned sentence. The lines were to be written in a neat handwriting, or they did not count. Of course that the time was not enough for the penny to finish, and that was the point.
When the two hours had passed, Lauren was going to check the lines that Diana had managed to write down, not counting the ones that were not up to snuff, Lauren’s decision, and her decision could not be argued with. Then she was going to get 2 swats for each line that she does not finish in time.
Diana started writing the first line. She checked how many pieces of paper she had, 4 sheets of paper. That was 200 lines that she was expected to complete in the next two hours. It was bad, but it could be worse (and next year, when she was holder, she knew it will be worse.)
Diana did the math in her head. 200 lines in two hours… that was about a little over 30 seconds for each line, and each one was to be in her most neat handwriting… sitting with a spanked bottom and wearing pain-ties… without her muscle memory… with a penny-pen… she hoped she could get the most of them finished before her time ran out.
Diana sobbed quietly as she finished the first line and got started right away on the second.
Two hours later…
Lauren walked back into the room where Diana was writing her lines. She looked at her stopwatch, only a couple of seconds left for the two hours to be completed.
“Okay Diana, pen down… now.” said Lauren as the stopwatch showed 120 minutes with 0 seconds.
Diana was in the middle writing a line when Lauren said that. But she knew that she would get in trouble if she didn’t stop her task exactly when she was told. It was a pity, that last incomplete line wasn’t going to count, and she was halfway done writing ‘differences’.
Little Di set down the penny-pen, and immediately started to shook her little wrist. Her arm and her hand just hurt so much!
Lauren picked up the four sheets of paper. She noticed that the last one was completely blank, so she knew (and Diana knew as well) that she was up for at least 50 spankings. The third page was almost all completed, only a couple of lines were still blank.
“Good job Diana,” commented Lauren, “You managed to do quite a lot more than I had expected.”
Diana smiled at the praise she received. “Thank you, Aunty Lauren.”
“Okay, now, let me see how many of them count.” Lauren took out a red Sharpie marker pen, and used it to write an X next to each line that she considered was not neatly written.
Diana looked up in silence, pouting every time Lauren wrote down an X on one of the sheets of paper. Finally, when she was done, Lauren looked down at little Di. “Okay Diana, you have written down 168 good lines. That means that your new base number for the rest of the day is…” Lauren took a second to do the math in her head…
(200 – 168) x 2 = 64
“… sixty four spankings.”
Diana whimpered, that was a little over double what she had received the first half of the day.
Lauren grabbed a chair and sat down, holding the paddle on one hand and patting her lap with the other. “Okay Diana, come here for the first set, as soon as we’re done I’ll call your Uncle so you can get the rest.”
Diana sobbed at hearing this, but knew she had no choice, “Yes *sob* Aunty *sob* Lauren *sob sob*.”
Little Di crawled slowly over Lauren’s lap, her fanny pointing straight up. Pretty soon Lauren had raised her skirt and removed the pain-ties. And delivered 64 sound spankings on Diana’s already sore bottom.
Diana cried and bawled the whole time, and didn’t even notice when Dave entered the room.
As soon as Lauren finished spanking Diana, the little penitatas was moved over to Dave’s lap, and after Lauren handed him the paddle, he delivered another 64 swats on Diana’s bottom for a total of 128 swats.
Dave and Lauren were kind enough to give Diana a couple of minutes to calm down her crying, and waited until it was a constant sobbing.
The little Penitatas took a little joy in knowing that she had just received the next to last spanking of the day… but that only meant that there was one last spanking to expect.
Once Diana had gotten her crying under control, Dave raised up her pain-ties once again (with a little yelp from little Di as a biter struck her), and lowered her skirt. Then helped her stand up on her feet.
Lauren grabbed Diana’s little hand with her own, and guided the penitatas out of the room and into the living room, “Okay Diana, its time to sit at the corner.”
Diana sniffled, but nodded, “*sniffle* Yes aunt Lauren *sniffle*”
At the house’s living room, at the corner that was away from the windows, and doors, and pictures on the wall, stood a stool for Diana to sit on. It wasn’t any stool, it was a CornerStool™.
Diana noticed that it was not the CornerStool™ that her mommy and daddy had got for her at her house, this must be the CornerStool™ that Dave and Lauren use when they have a penitatas son or daughter assigned to them.

It was similar to the one at her house, the spikes seemed a little pointer, but that seemed as the only difference. She whimpered as she started to imagine how those spikes would feel on her little and sore behind when she sat on it. On a sore bottom. With pain-ties.
Diana knew there was no way around this, so she didn’t protest as Lauren picked her up and sat her down on the CornerStool™, arranging the skirt so it wouldn’t get caught on it, so Diana was sitting on the corner stool with nothing but her pain-ties to shield her very sore and very red read end.
Lauren fastened Diana’s legs using the knee fastener incorporated on the CornerStool™, and Diana was all ready to sit and face the corner.
“Okay Diana, I’ll take you away in two hours, I want you to sit there, being quiet, with your hands on your head, and I want you to think about what you did young lady,” said Lauren.
“Yes Aunty Lauren,” replied Diana, and then Lauren walked away leaving the little penny girl on the CornerStool™, looking at the corner.
Time passed slowly for little Di. Slowly and painfully.
Every minute that passed, she could feel each and every one of the little ‘spikes’ on the CornerStool™ ‘dig in’ to the tender and well spanked flesh of her butt.
She started to quietly sniffle (making sure not to make a sound, as she was supposed to be sitting quietly), then she started to cry as little tears dropped from her eyes.
As she sat there, she started to think of how she got in this situation on the first place. On how stupid she had been on commiting the crimes that got her turned into a Penitatas, and on how she was getting spankings day after day after day because of those crimes. On how she would never forget her lesson because of said spankings.
And also, she started to think on how she was going to receive yet another spanking as soon as the corner time was over.
Two hours later, at six o’clock, Lauren came to pick Diana up from the CornerStool™.
She first turned the stool around, so Diana was facing her instead of the corner, and unfastened her little legs from the restrains.
Then she picked up the little Penitatas, grabbed her hand and lead her to the couch. She was holding the paddle on the other hand.
“Okay Diana, one last spanking to go now. Ready?” she said after she sat down.
Diana nodded, “Yes Aunty, I’m ready.” And slowly she started to crawl over Lauren’s lap.
Lauren proceeded to bare Diana’s bottom, and then delivered sixty-four sound spankings on her little bottom.
Then stood up, allowed Dave to sit down where she had been, handed him the paddle, and then Dave gave little Di 64 more spanks with the paddle, to complete the set of 128 spankings.
Diana was bawling and crying as a well spanked girl after that.
After Di’s spankings were over, they waited for her crying to settle down and then Lauren and Dave grabbed one of her little hands each, and walked with her upstairs and into the bathroom.
Diana was to receive her bath and then will be sent straight to bed, no supper for the naughty penny today!
Lauren undressed Diana as Dave turned on the water and checked the temperature, then Lauren picked Diana up and placed her in the tub.
Lauren up soaped little Di, cleaning her from head to toe (making Di wince a little as she cleaned her tender behind), while Dave shampooed her hair.
After she was clean, Lauren picked her up again, and then dried her out with a towel, while Dave walked out and came back a minute later holding Diana’s sleeping gown, and handed it to Lauren.
Lauren dressed Diana up in the little pink baby doll pajamas, picked her up with both arms and then walked into the guest bedroom (the one they used for Penny kids when they were assigned one).
Before placing Diana to bed, Laurned brushed Di’s hair with her brush.
Lauren placed Diana face down on the bed, and took out the nanolotion. She applied the lotion on Diana’s well spanked bottom, then covered the penny child with the blankets and flannelette covers.
“Good night Di.” Said Lauren as she turned off the lights.
“Good night Aunty Lauren.” Replied Diana, as Lauren closed the door.
Diana’s butt started to itch from the nanolotion, so she grabbed hold of the pillow with both her little hands, fighting the urge to scratch her bottom, so as not to interrupt the work of the nanomachines on her well spanked flesh.
Finally, sleep caught up with little Di, knowing that finally this special punishment day was over, and that her parents would be picking her up first thing tomorrow morning.