Rogue's Weyr : "the Weyr is where the dragon is" -Brekke Rider of Gold Wirenth, Southern Weyr

Notes of the idea of the story:

When I started reading the original Melody Story, and then all the fan made stuff expanding Lurking Dragon's Rejuve Universe, I noticed that while Lurking Dragon mentioned many times that a Penitatas got the special days of her sentence according to nationality and religion, I started to wonder about that.

What would happen to a Penitatas that was Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or anyt of the other many religions of the world (AND maybe some NEW religion that has appeared in the future. Who knows?)

Being an avid theologist on my free time (meaning that I try and study every religion of the world every time I get a chance to), I used my knowledge on the different religions of the world and I started writing this story about a Jewish Penitatas.


The Crime and the Sentence

Prologue of Penitatas Diana

The trial had lasted all day, but finally it was over.

Diana had been able to present some defense to her case, but she knew she was most likely going to be found guilty. Still, she hung up for some hope.

Inwardly, she cursed herself. How could she have been so stupid!

The judge walked into the big courtroom, and sat down. The elderly woman had a piece of paper in her hand, surely with Diana's verdict.

"This court finds Dr. Diana Kavensky guilty of all the charges." said the judge.

Diana lowered her head down in defeat. How had it come down to this?

She could remember everything very clearly. She had been driving down the road like she did every morning when she went to the clinic, when suddenly she saw the wrecked car at a side of the road.

It seemed like the hovercar had some sort of failure, and had flew out of the road and into a tree at the side of the road. This was more than obvious since Diana could clearly see how the hovercar was impaled on the tree.

Diana quickly got out of her own hovercar and ran towards the wreckage. She had to see if there were any injured people, and help them. She was a Doctor after all.

She took out her cell phone and called the hospital, telling them who she was, where she was, about the car crash, and to send an ambulance. She told them that while she waited for the ambulance, she would try and provide some first aid to whoever was injured, then she hung up.

Diana approached the car and saw that there was just one person inside. A young man was sitting on the driver's seat, he didn't look very old, 30 years old at most, his skin was of a dark tanned color. His face over the dashboard, and he was bleeding.

Diana noticed the strange way he was dressed. He was wearing a white robe that covered his whole body, and nothing more. Not even shoes.

She grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse. He was still alive and his pulse was strong. The crash must have happened just minutes ago. In fact, the young man seemed to have just passed out from the crash.

However, his head was bleeding a lot. Right now he could be saved, but if she didn't stop the bleeding, he might not make it.

Diana moved the car seat and moved the young man so he was now lying on his back over the seat.

Diana's eyes opened wide when she saw the man's chest. A swastika was sewed over the robes.

Dr. Diana Kavensky was Jewish. Even in the 28th century, the Earth still had various religions all over it. In fact, now Earth had even MORE religions, since some of the alien races practiced their home planet religions while they lived on Earth.

Seeing the swastika, Diana realized that this man was probably some crazy nazi or something like that. This man DESERVED to die! She was NOT going the help him.

Leaving him to bleed himself to death, Diana took out her portable phone one more time, and again called the hospital. She told them that it was a false alarm, that she hadn't seen a car crash it was just her imagination, and to forget about the ambulance.

Getting into her hovercar, Dr. Diana Kavensky again began to drive towards the clinic, feeling good about what she just did.

The world will not miss that man, whoever he was.

As Diana waited for the Judge to tell her what her sentence was going to be, Diana remembered what had happened later that day.

It seemed like about an hour later, another hovercar had passed near the crash site that Diana had abandoned. The man driving the hovercar saw the man bleeding in the crashed hovercar, and saw that the seat was covered in blood.

The man moved the injured man over his car, and drove towards the nearest hospital as quickly as he could.

The nearest hospital was, of course, the same hospital where Dr. Diana Kavensky worked at.

The injured man was taken to an ER room, while the other man started to explain where he had found the injured man in robes.

The desk clerk had been surprised at hearing this, since he knew that the hospital had received a call from one of its doctors about a car wreck in the same place, and shortly after they received a cancellation call from the same doctor.

The desk clerk called the police on the matter.

The police arrived shortly after, and two officers took Dr. Diana to be interrogated.

After the interrogation was over, Diana had confessed everything.

It turned out that the man in the robes was a Hinduist. That was the reason he was wearing a swastika on his robes, since the swastika is one of holiest symbols of Hinduism, symbolizing the creation, life and evolution of humanity.

Dr. Diana Kavensky was arrested immediately, under several charges.

These charges included; Religious Racism, since she had refused to give the man medical attention based solely on religious beliefs. Being ignorant of what a symbol of a religion was is not an excuse.

Violation of The First Principle of the Confederation of Humanity, the ultimate value of all sentient life, regardless of the situation.

And finally, Violation of her Medical Oath, in which she had sworn to offer medical attention to anyone regardless of who they were.

All where very severe crimes. Racism in any of its forms at this point in time was illegal.

Diana was lucky that the Hindu man was saved after being taken to the hospital. Otherwise she would have been charged with murder too.

However, the Hindu man was only able to be saved trough a rejuvenation process since he had lost too much blood. And he would have been spared that rejuvenation process if he had been given first aid when Dr. Diana found him.

A few days later, Dr. Diana Kavensky was taken to court, and now she was waiting to hear her sentence. She knew she was in a lot of trouble.

"Dr. Diana Kavensky. This court sentences you to serve 5x6-12 (five times six-to-twelve) as a Penitatas for your crime of Religious Racism. Also, you are sentenced to serve an additional 5x6-12 for violating your medical oaths and the First Principle, for a grand total of 10x6-12. All of them will be served as a Hard Time Penitatas, with no chance of parole."

A small tear ran down Diana's eyes, how could she had been so stupid! Now she was facing 60 years as a Penitatas, and all of those years as hard time!

The judge continued, "As special punishment days, you will have every holiday of the Jewish religion, and also Fourth of July, Diaspora and your birthday. Now, let the sentence be carried out!"

This was very common. People were assigned their special days from their religion and their nationality. Since Diana was Jewish and born in the United States, she was assigned Jewish holidays and Fourth of July since it was a United States holiday. Diaspora was an International Holiday, and every Penitatas was given her birthday as a special punishment day.

Two guards took Diana to where the Rejuvenation chamber was located. She knew that very soon she would be a six year old girl to be spanked day after day, and she would have to repeat it again and again.

To be continued