Fiction vs Reality. There is a Difference

While this site is dedicated to providing home for all male spanking art, be it graphic or written. But we neither have the capacity nor the desire to compete with; so we will not. We will encurage you to use their site for stories. But as they do not carry women spanking older males (F/M) and do not encourage women spanking boys (F/m) stories. We will gladly host those stories here.

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Story Title Author Tags
The Cost of a Black Eye Skinpang Public, Domestic, F/m, Hand, Tawse
A Qple of Brats ShyDomme Sci-fi, Military, Fanfic, AR, F/b+, Hairbrush
THANKS A LOT! roddy Poem, School, F/b+, Hand
A Nun And Priest Tale Gumbie Religious, School, F/b+, Cane, Slipper
Spanking privileges for Nicola Sewell Domestic, Role Reversal, Implied, F/m+, f/m+, Hand, Hairbrush, Belt
Stuart's New Nanny Sewell Domestic, f+/m+, Hand
Mother's Little Helper Sewell Domestic, Role Reversal, Implied, F/m+, f/m+, Belt
Xmas in the Mall Gary Public, Tradition, F/mf, F/m, F/f, F/m+, Hand, Hairbrush
Lee Academy Gary School, Domestic, Public, F/mm, F/m, F/f+, F/f, f+/m, F/F, F/mf, FF/F, M/f, M/f+, F/m+, F+/m+, F+/F, M+/F, F/ff, F+/FF F+/FFM, F+/M, F+/FFm+m+,F+/FM Hand, Hairbrush, Ruler, Ping-pong Paddle, Paddle, Bathbrush, Belt, Strap
Room of Doom JLB Domestic, M/b, Hairbrush
Justice? JLB Domestic, M/b+, Hand, Belt
How To Deal with Bad Boys Anonymous Domestic, F/m, Hand, Ruler, Ping-pong Paddle, Hairbrush, Belt
A Roadside Spanking JLB Domestic, Public, F/b+, Hand
Then and Now Anonymous Domestic, Commercial, F/m, F/M, Paddle, Hairbrush, Belt
I Scream For Ice Cream JLB Domestic, M/b+, Hand
Club Anonymous Domestic, f/m, Hairbrush
Beta Proct-R's Mission Zani & Arkham-Insanity Domestic, Sci-fi, Fanfic, F/b, Hand
Peter's Mother polaspank Domestic, F/m, F/mm, Hand, Hairbrush, Clothes Brush, Switch, Tawse
The Brush Women Calls Marcpain Domestic, Commercial, F/m+, Hand, Bathbrush, Hairbrush
THE WEEKEND AFTER LABOR DAY Crimson Kid Public, Domestic, F/M, Hand, Hairbrush, Slipper
Triumph of the Forces of Evil Crimson Kid Domestic, F+F+/M+, Cane, Crop, Bathbrush
Grocery Store Naughty Clyde Public, F+/M, F+F/M, F/M, FF/M, Hand, Paddle, Cane, Hairbrush, Crop, Wooden Spoon, Masterbation, Bondage
Love Match Crimson Kid F/M, Hairbrush, Razor Strop, Paddle
Antique Shopping Naughty Clyde School, Role-play, F+/M, F/M, Hand, Paddle, Crop, Masterbation
Valentines Day Naughty Clyde F/M, Frat Paddle
Brush Lady Naughty Clyde Commercial, FF/M, Hairbrush, Tawse, Paddle, Bondage
My Wife's Friend Mary Naughty Clyde Domestic, F/M, FF/M, Hand, Paddle, Hairbrush, Slipper, Wooden Spoon, Cane, Masterbation, Bondage
My Boyhood Spankings Matt Domestic, M/m, M/F, Hand, Paddle
Boxing, Shorts and Spanking Shortsman Public, School, Domestic, M/m+, m+/m+, Hand, Slipper, Cane
Summertime Reds Crimson Kid Public, Domestic, Camp, F/b, F/g+, F/m+, Hairbrush, Belt, Paddle
Drying Off A Derrière Crimson Kid Domestic, F/M, Brush
The Whip Hand Crimson Kid Domestic, F/M, Whip, Bondage
My True Spanking Story Phillip Domestic, F/b+, Hand
A Matter of Perspective Crimson Kid Domestic, f+ff+/m, F/fm, Hairbrush, Paddle, Wooden Spoon, Belt, Razor Strop
Smacks Crimson Kid Domestic, f+/m, f+/f, Hairbrush, Strap
Spanking Cousins Crimson Kid Domestic, F/m+, f+/m+, f+f+/m+, Paddle, Spatula, Belt
Tables Turned Subboy paul Domestic, F/M, Hand, Forced Feminization, Sex
Getting Whipped As A Teen Growing Up In The South Bobby Guest Domestic, F/m, Paddle, Switch, Strap
Brother, My Brother CousinD Domestic, m+/m, Hand
Shades of Yesteryear Crimson Kid g+/b+, f/fm, ff/m, F+/M+, Paddle
Housemaster BendOverBoy School, M/m+, Cane
The Adventures of Amy Woozle Domestic, f/m, Hand, Hairbrush
Inside Crimson Kid Domestic, F/m, Razor Strop, Hairbrush
Babysitter Gary Public, Domestic, F/m+, F/m+m+, Hand, Ruler, Mouthsoaping, Hairbrush, Belt
Father and Son Anon Domestic, M/m, Slipper
New Paddle Gary School, Domestic, Public, F/m, f+/m, Hand, Paddle
Teenage discipline from Sis JD Domestic, f+/m, Hairbrush, Diapering
Social History Crimson Kid Domestic, Femdom Ff+fg/m, Gand, Hairbrush, Belt
A Hard Learned Truth Sewell Domestic, Role Reversal F/m+, f/m+