Age icons:
- Males:
- b: A boy not old enough to go to school (Under 6)
- b+: A boy old enough to go to primary school (6 - 10)
- m: A young teen boy (11 - 14)
- m+: A older teen boy (15 - 18)
- M: A young man (19 ~ 40)
- M+: A older man (~40 and older)
- Females:
- g: A girl not old enough to go to school (Under 6)
- g+: A girl old enough to go to primary school (6 - 10)
- f: A young teen girl (11 - 14)
- f+: A older teen girl (15 - 18)
- F: A young woman (19 ~ 40)
- F+: A older woman (~40 and older)
Style icons:
- Fanfic: this will be
given the title attribute when ever what it is a fanfic of is
known. example: Fanfic
- AR: means Age Regression.