WARNING: This web page contains stories, drawings, paintings and sketches depicting fictious spankings of minor males (as well as adult males). If this sort of material offends you, please do not enter the Boyz Being Boyz web site. This site is not intented as a parenting guide, as such child discipline techniques depicted on this web site should not be used as such a guide for real-life children.
The laws of the USA criminalize photographic depictions of real or simulated abuse of children. In willing compliance with these laws, this web page contains no child spanking photographs of any kind and never will. Anyone soliciting or offering illegal images will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
This site is intending for those that can legally make their own choices, as determined by viewer's own location. So if you can not make such a legal decision for yourself or if the topic of fictional spanking of either adults or minors offends you, you are invited to...
ExitOtherwise welcome and enjoy your stay
EnterThese artworks are generally not in the public domain, they belong their respective copyright holders, and any copyright holder who wants their work removed from the site can contact the webmaster who will then do this removal A.S.A.P.
The prefured font for this website is “Diavlo Medium” by Jos Buivenga (exljbris). If you have a modern browser that suport @font-face then you will automagically see the font if you don't already have it. Other users who want to see and use this free font elsewhere can go to his site to get a copy.